Agenda item


To receive and note the report.


Cllr E Seward – Deputy Leader introduced the report and informed Members that the second round of consultation was about to end, for which a number of public exhibitions and meetings had been held across the town. He added that feedback had been positive with many residents suggesting that were very happy to live in the town. It was noted that there were some concerns regarding the loss of retail businesses within the town centre, and that despite substantial support, there would inevitably be some residents that did not support the proposals. Cllr E Seward stated that it was now time to begin the physical works, alongside the implementation of grants to help businesses improve their premises.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          The ADSG noted that consultation was due to end on the 15th October, though further discussions were expected to take place with specific groups such as young residents and those with accessibility requirements.


      ii.          A presentation was provided on the range and scope of the project with the four key elements outlined as improving the public realm, improving options for safe and active travel, establishing the town’s historical identity and generating a sense of community pride. Various highways proposals were reported to have been discussed with the potential for limiting the times at which HGV and buses could travel through the town centre, in order to establish a more pedestrian friendly space. Public space proposals were shown with various options on how spaces could be better utilised. Key concerns and mitigation measures were addressed, with NCC highways reported to be actively working to ensure that key transport routes would not be negatively impacted by changes.


     iii.          Cllr S Penfold stated that there appeared to be a good level of support for the project from within the town, and asked whether the importance of working with young people on learning opportunities could be emphasized. He then asked what percentage of grant funding could be offered to businesses on the building improvement scheme. The ADSG replied that this would vary depending on the nature of the proposals and intended outcome of the intervention, though it could provide up to 100% of funding.


    iv.          Cllr T Adams referred to the property improvement grant scheme and asked what could be learnt from the project that could be applied to other towns. He then asked what controls would be put in place to ensure that any improvements made to heritage assets would not be lost at a later date. The ADSG replied that the vast majority of buildings in the town centre were listed buildings, and would therefore have a pre-existing level of protection, in addition to being within a conservation area. He added that efforts would also be made to work with property owners to undertake works that would benefit them, alongside the public improvement works and community initiatives. It was hoped that the project would establish a legacy of improvement for the town that would inspire business owners to carry on, once the project was complete.


      v.          Cllr C Cushing referred to the business improvement grants and asked for further information. Cllr E Seward replied that the building improvement scheme would apply to frontages and wider premises, if required. He added that the difficulty would be in encouraging some businesses to come forward and take advantage of the scheme, to properly improve the character of the conservation area.


    vi.          Cllr V Gay stated that gaining funding from Historic England was a significant achievement in itself that had started with a relatively small amount of MTI funding, which had proven the town’s ability to work together to achieve positive outcomes. She added that dedicated staff were also crucial to build on these achievements and secure the additional funding that was vital to the project.


   vii.          The Chairman noted that there had not been mention of crime and disorder considerations, and asked for confirmation that these had been given adequate attention. The ADSG replied that this would be included in more formal reports, however this was only intended to provide an update. He added that crime and disorder had been given considerable attention, and refenced architectural standards such as secure by design, which sought to ensure that opportunities for crime were as limited as possible.




To receive and note the report.  

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