Agenda item

(WK/210014927) - Review of a Licence to Drive Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk


This report relates to a review of a taxi drivers licence where complaints have been received which merit further consideration.


Members may wish to go into Private session to hear fully from the applicant and consider this matter in confidence. 


That Members consider and determine this application.



Chairman of the Licensing Committee

Councillor P Bütikofer


Contact Officer, telephone number, and e?mail:


Lara Clare

01263 516252




Present: Licence Holder and their Partner.


The Members of the Panel and Officers introduced themselves.


The Legal Advisor outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the procedure for the meeting. 


The Licensing Enforcement Officer presented the report, which related to a review of a Private Hire Operator’s Licence and Private Hire Vehicle Licence.


In response to questions by Cllr N Lloyd, the Licensing Enforcement Officer advised that there was no time limit for information and evidence which may be presented to aid the local authority in determining the suitability of an individual to hold a taxi license.


The Licence Holder was invited by the Chairman to make his statement.  He commented that the 2013 complaint related to a malicious report from a previous partner, and that he was unable to confirm the accuracy of the 2016 complaint, however did not dispute the complaint due to a lack of evidence. The Licence Holder provided evidence to the Panel, attesting to his actions with relation to the 2021 complaint, including character references, photos of his diary and ledger book as well as a digital record of his movements, and asserted the 2021 complaint did not accurately reflect his daily taxi records.


The Licensing Enforcement Officer confirmed she had not had prior sight of any documents, statements of support or evidence supplied by the License Holder at the meeting. The Panel advised they would reflect on any new evidence when they retired to consider the matter in private.


Following questions from Cllr J Rest, the Licence Holder advised that he had not operated any other taxi in 2021, not had he worked for another organisation.


Cllr N Lloyd questioned if the 2021 had been an existing customer. The License Holder commented he first met the 2021 complainant sometime after the complaint was alleged to have taken place, which could be corroborated with his daily taxi record. He advised that he had been interviewed by the police regarding the allegation, and that there had been no further investigation or action. The Licensing Enforcement Officer advised she was unaware that no further action had been taken.


The Chairman asked the Licensing Enforcement Officer as to the condition of the License Holders records, who responded that the License Holders records were neat and well-maintained, and noted the inconsistencies between the 2021 Complaint and the License Holders diary.


The Chairman asked the License Holder about the 2013 complaint. The License Holder commented that the complaint related to an ex-partner and that he had met with the Council at the time to discuss the matter, which had not called to a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee.


Cllr J Rest asked the License Holder whether he had surveillance equipment in and or on his taxi. The License Holder advised he did not have any, but that he would be willing to put CCTV equipment in the vehicle, noting the vulnerability of taxi drivers to be able to verify their version of events.


The Panel retired at 12.00pm and returned at 1.05pm.


The Chairman read out the decision to the License Holder and explained that the Panel considered the 2013 and 2021 complaints against the License Holder and placed considerable emphasis in respect of the protection of the public and in particular vulnerable taxi passengers. It was reiterated that safeguarding is the utmost priority for the Licensing Sub-Committee and the Council more broadly as a licensing authority. The Panel acknowledged that the Police, after interviewing the Licensing Holder, did not find need for further investigation, and the burden for the Police with respect of criminal complaints is higher than that of the Panel.


The Panel had due regard to submissions by the Licensing Officer, and acknowledged that the License Holders records were kept to a high standard, and that the 2021 complaint did not reflect his prior written taxi records.


In conclusion, the Chairman stated, having considered the relevant written and oral evidence before it, the Sub-Committee deemed the License Holder to be a fit and proper person to hold a taxi license. The Sub-Committee recommended to the License Holder the proper use of surveillance in and on his taxi.




No further action to be taken


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