Please note that there is a total time limit of 30 minutesfor this item – as set out in the Constitution, Chapter 2, paragraph 14.11
The following notices of motion have been received:
1. Health & Well-being of Coastal Communities
Proposed by Cllr V Gay, seconded by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett:
‘In July 2021 the Chief Medical Officer for England published his Annual Report. It was entitled Health in Coastal Communities. In his report Professor Chris Whitty wrote that
Whilst the focus nationally over the summer may be directed towards visitors, with many opting to stay in one of the UK’s many beautiful coastal towns, it is important to remember that the coast is also home to millions of people and that the health and wellbeing of these populations has been long neglected and overlooked.
The report draws attention to conditions which are familiar to us: an aging population; a difficulty in attracting health professionals; an infrequent and fragmented system of public transportation combined with a long journey to an acute hospital; an economy founded in low wages and seasonal work. The Chief Medical Officer's report encompasses all of these things and more.
The first recommendation of the report is for a cross-government national strategy to improve the health and well-being of coastal communities.
We propose therefore that North Norfolk District Council call upon the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP as Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Community to work together to enact the recommendations arising from Professor Whitty's Annual Report.’
2. Motion for the Ocean
Proposed by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Cllr N Lloyd.
This Council declares an urgent need for Ocean Recovery.
We recognise that we need ocean recovery to meet our net zero carbon targets, and we need net zero carbon to recover our ocean.
This Council pledges to:
1. Report to Full Council within 12 months on the actions and projects that will begin an ocean recovery in North Norfolk
Consider ocean recovery in all strategic decisions,
plans, budgets and approaches to decisions by the Council
(particularly in planning, regeneration, skills and economic
policy), aligning with climate change mitigation and adaptation
requirements, and considering ocean-based solutions in our journey
towards a carbon neutral and climate resilient future.
3. Promote closer working between North Norfolk District Council and the Marine Management Organisation and embed strong links between the Local Plan and the East Marine Plan to support ocean recovery.
4. Ensure that the Local Nature Recovery Strategy strives to support ocean recovery.
Work with partners locally and nationally to deliver
increased sustainability in marine industries and develop a
sustainable and equitable blue economy that delivers ocean recovery
and local prosperity.
Grow ocean literacy and marine citizenship in North
Norfolk including ensuring all pupils are given the opportunity to
experience the ocean first-hand before leaving primary school-
striving to include home-schooled children - and promote equitable
access to the ocean through physical and digital experiences for
all residents.
Create a link on the Council website to partners updates on ocean recovery progress,
signpost to ocean literacy development opportunities, and marine
citizenship pledges.
8. Write to the Government asking them to put the ocean into net recovery by 2030
The full supporting document to this motion is attached separately.
The Chairman said that there were two notices of motion for debate. He then reminded members that there was a total of 30 minutes for this item.
1. Heath and Wellbeing of Coastal Communities
Cllr V Gay, Portfolio Holder for Health & Wellbeing, introduced the motion. She said that she had been present at the Rural Partnership meeting at the end of 2021 at which the Chief Medical Officer for England presented his Annual Report entitled Health in Coastal Communities. She outlined the various problems and conditions that affected the health of residents in coastal communities including an ageing population, lengthy journeys to an acute hospital, difficulties in attracting health professionals and an economy funded by low paid, seasonal work.
Cllr Gay said that the report called for a cross-government national strategy to improve the health and well-being of coastal communities and it was therefore proposed that the Council call upon the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Community to work together to enact the recommendations arising from the Annual Report. The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Coastal Forum were also supportive of this approach.
Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, in seconding the motion, said that she had been appointed to Cabinet in 2011 as the Portfolio Holder for Coast and Wellbeing and the relationship between the two sectors was absolutely key. She drew members attention to paragraph 3 of the full motion which outlined the many challenges faced by coastal communities.
It was proposed by Cllr V Gay, seconded by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett and
That North Norfolk District Council calls upon the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP as Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Community to work together to enact the recommendations arising from Professor Whitty's Annual Report.
Nine members abstained.
2. Motion for the Ocean
Cllr A Fitch-Tillett introduced the motion. She began by saying that it complemented the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency. Over the past year the lead officer of the LGA Coastal Special Interest Group (SIG) had worked with leading marine social scientists and the University of Plymouth to develop this motion. She said that this was a country-wide concern and since the motion was presented to the Coastal SIG last December, Plymouth City Council had already declared an urgent need for ocean recovery and they were followed by Falmouth Town Council and South Tyneside Council. She concluded by saying that NNDC was well on the way to achieving change. There were several Blue Flag beaches, plenty of litter bins and teams of beach cleaners and through the Council’s partners the Wash and NN Marine Partnership it was hoped to commence a ‘Fishing for Litter’ scheme and some bins had already been installed along the coast to help fishermen. She concluded by saying that more needed to be done and asked members to support the motion.
Cllr N Lloyd seconded the motion. He said that the health of the oceans was linked directly to the North Norfolk economy and it was important that it was maintained in a healthy condition. Despite all of the efforts so far, a tipping point was being reached as the huge problem of plastic litter entering the eco-systems was escalating. He urged members to support the motion.
It was proposed by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Cllr N Lloyd and
To declare an urgent need for Ocean Recovery.
To recognise that we need ocean recovery to meet our net zero carbon targets, and we need net zero carbon to recover our ocean.
To pledge to:
1. Report to Full Council within 12 months on the actions and projects that will begin an ocean recovery in North Norfolk
Consider ocean recovery in all strategic decisions,
plans, budgets and approaches to decisions by the Council
(particularly in planning, regeneration, skills and economic
policy), aligning with climate change mitigation and adaptation
requirements, and considering ocean-based solutions in our journey
towards a carbon neutral and climate resilient future.
3. Promote closer working between North Norfolk District Council and the Marine Management Organisation and embed strong links between the Local Plan and the East Marine Plan to support ocean recovery.
4. Ensure that the Local Nature Recovery Strategy strives to support ocean recovery.
Work with partners locally and nationally to deliver
increased sustainability in marine industries and develop a
sustainable and equitable blue economy that delivers ocean recovery
and local prosperity.
Grow ocean literacy and marine citizenship in North
Norfolk including ensuring all pupils are given the opportunity to
experience the ocean first-hand before leaving primary school-
striving to include home-schooled children - and promote equitable
access to the ocean through physical and digital experiences for
all residents.
Create a link on the Council website to partners
updates on ocean recovery progress, signpost to ocean literacy
development opportunities, and marine citizenship
8. Write to the Government asking them to put the ocean into net recovery by 2030
Nine members abstained.
Supporting documents: