Agenda item

Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes












Options considered:

The report seeks to provide an update as to the development and progress of the Cromer Phase 2 and Mundesley Coastal Management Schemes. There is a need to move forward with delivery of the schemes as soon as is practical to meet the Environment Agency Capital programme timeframes and in order to better protect homes, communities an infrastructure.  The report sets out recommendations to enable both schemes to proceed with minimal delays.


Option 1 - Do not proceed: This option would cease all progression of work and inform funding bodies to reallocate funds to other priorities.  The communities of Cromer and Mundesley would not benefit from the coastal protection afforded by the schemes.  Such an option would not deliver the intent of the Shoreline Management Plan policies for these locations.  Option Discounted.


Option 2 - Seek protection measures further to the proposal: This option would seek to delay delivery in order to seek to rase significant further funds for additional protection measures.  This could inadvertently lead to the loss of the government grant and damage to the localities in the intervening years of seeking to make further arrangements. Option Discounted.


Option 3 -Continue with proposed scheme: this option would see the continuation of the scheme as proposed, seeking to maximise on protection to communities and assets.  Recommended Option.




There is a need to move forward expediently with the delivery of the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes to deliver continued and enhanced protection to communities in the timeframes the funding is available.


Design and consenting is progressing with construction anticipated to start in autumn 2022, subject to consents and budget.


Due to increases in construction costs across the industry, there is a need to continue to minimise cost and maximise funding to enable the delivery of the most beneficial schemes possible.































Reasons for



Cabinet resolves to:


a)    Support the continued approach of the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.


b)    Support of the appointment of Mott MacDonald to complete detailed design and consenting via the Dynamic Purchasing System and additional scope identified to complete the supporting Environmental Impact Assessments.


c)    Approve construction via the Local Authority SCAPE framework.


d)    Approve the submission of applications for consents and licences


e)    Delegate to Director of Place and Climate Change with Portfolio Holder consultation to approve quotations, tenders, funding applications, access agreements and contractual appointments/variations to allow for timely progression of the schemes



To enable continued and timely progression for the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.



(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)



  • Mundesley Outline Business Case- June 1018
  • Cromer Coast Protection Scheme Project Appraisal Report – July 2012





Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr Angie Fitch-Tillett

Ward(s) affected



Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Tamzen Pope – 01263 516171

Rob Goodliffe –  01263 516321








a)    Support the continued approach of the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.


b)    Support of the appointment of Mott MacDonald to complete detailed design and consenting via the Dynamic Purchasing System and additional scope identified to complete the supporting Environmental Impact Assessments.


c)    Approve construction via the Local Authority SCAPE framework.


d)    Approve the submission of applications for consents and licences


e)    Delegate to Director of Place and Climate Change with Portfolio Holder consultation to approve quotations, tenders, funding applications, access agreements and contractual appointments/variations to allow for timely progression of the schemes



Reason for the decision:


To enable continued and timely progression for the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.


Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, Portfolio Holder for Coast, introduced this item. She explained that it provided an update regarding the development and progress of the Cromer Phase 2 and Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme. Phase 1 of the Cromer Coastal Protection Scheme was completed in 2013 and incorporated repairs following the 2013 storm surge. It sought to better protect 748 properties at risk from coastal erosion. The Mundesley scheme was granted technical and funding approval in 2018.  Funding for this scheme was under the more recent Partnership Funding and therefore it included Environment Agency Funds, North Norfolk District Council capital allocation alongside contributions from Anglian Water and Mundesley Parish Council. This  scheme sought to better protect from erosion risk 510 residential properties.


Cllr Fitch-Tillett drew members’ attention to Recommendation C. She said that the Local Government SCAPE framework had been selected as the delivery mechanism for the construction of the scheme.  This was currently being used effectively at the Lowestoft Flood Risk Management Scheme, which was being delivered by the Coastal Partnership East team.


Cllr W Fredericks, Local Member for Mundesley, seconded the proposals. She thanked officers for their hard work and the funding partners.


The Leader and Local Member for Cromer, Cllr T Adams, praised the level of engagement undertaken with third parties and said that it demonstrated the Council’s commitment to shoreline management.


The Chairman invited members to speak:


Cllr N Dixon asked whether the proposals were intended to review or reaffirm the current scheme. He said that the rationale behind the decision was not clear.


Cllr A Fitch-Tillett replied that the Cromer scheme had been approved some time ago. This report was bringing it together with the Mundesley scheme as that had not yet had Cabinet approval. She added that recommendations b, c and d were unique to the scheme for which approval was now sought.


The Coastal Manager confirmed that the report sought to reaffirm the existing scheme and to expedite it via appropriate delegation. He added that the Environment Agency was keen to see delivery of the scheme.


Cllr C Cushing sought clarification of the timescale for the project, referencing recent press reports regarding erosion issues at Mundesley. Cllr Fitch-Tillett said that it was anticipate to start in the Autumn to ensure that there was no disruption during the main tourist season. She said that the issues with the slip at Mundesley were caused by groundwater rather than the sea. The Chairman added that there were also issues around consent from strategic partners and agencies to resolve before the works could commence.


It was proposed by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Cllr W Fredericks and




a)    Support the continued approach of the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.


b)    Support of the appointment of Mott MacDonald to complete detailed design and consenting via the Dynamic Purchasing System and additional scope identified to complete the supporting Environmental Impact Assessments.


c)     Approve construction via the Local Authority SCAPE framework.


d)    Approve the submission of applications for consents and licences


e)    Delegate to Director of Place and Climate Change with Portfolio Holder consultation to approve quotations, tenders, funding applications, access agreements and contractual appointments/variations to allow for timely progression of the schemes



Reason for the decision:


To enable continued and timely progression for the Mundesley and Cromer Phase 2 Coastal Management Schemes.

Supporting documents: