The MPM introduced the Officers
report and recommendation for approval subject to
He advised that the principle
of development for up to three dwellings had been established by
grounds of outline permissions, listed within the case history,
reference PO/20/2005, which also approved the means of access to
the site.
The MPM stated that the main
issues for consideration were set out on p.16 of the report.
Further, he advised that the applicant, working with Anglian Water,
had identified that the scheme would drain outside of the Nutrient
Neutrality catchment area, details of which were contained on p.18
– 19 of the Agenda pack. Officers contended that, as Anglian
Water had confirmed that the waste water would not be directed into
the Nutrient Neutrality catchment, they did not foresee Nutrient
Neutrality guidance being an obstacle for approval.
He concluded that Officers were
broadly satisfied with the design and appearance of the proposal,
which would be in keeping with the surrounding area, with each
dwelling providing an acceptable level of amenity space.
The MPM suggested two
additional conditions be added, which were linked to Nutrient
Neutrality. First, a condition which would require the applicant to
confirm at the point they start development that the drainage flows
outside of the catchment. Second, a condition to finalise the
surface water drainage details, which would provide clarity exactly
how surface water would be dealt with. He stated as the competent
authority for Habitats Regulations it was important to ensure the
Council considered these points.
Public Speakers
Jane Wisson –
Trunch Parish Council
John Barbuk – Supporting
Members Debate
- The
Chairman confirmed that the Local Member who had called the Item to
Committee was not in attendance and expressed her disappointment
they had failed to attend the meeting, noting the resources
involved in bringing items to Committee.
- Cllr P Heinrich expressed his support for the Officers
recommendation and reflected that the principle of development on
the site had already been established. He considered that the
arguments against development did not stand up to scrutiny, and
whilst technicality Trunch was
considered to be within a designated countryside setting, the
reality was that the three properties would serve as infilling of a
large backlot site within the built up setting of the village. He
reflected that there was a demand for bungalows within the district
given the aging population and contended that the application was
to the highest environment standard, and of a satisfactory design.
He expressed his wish to see more developers work towards such high
standards. Cllr P Heinrich commented that he did not determine that
the three properties would add significantly to the volume of foul
water, and that the primary issue related to the volume of rain
water run off flowing into the sewage system. On balance, Cllr P
Heinrich proposed acceptance of the Officers
- Cllr A Brown stated his
disappointment that the Local Member was not in attendance at the
meeting, and they had failed to provide a supplementary submission.
Cllr A Brown commented that he was
nervous about the application, and asked for the evidence from
Anglian Water, which had been provided via the Applicants Agent,
that they considered the application drained outside of the
Nutrient Neutrality catchment area. Further, he commented that he
would have preferred to have received the opinion of Natural
England or another appropriate body prior to
- The
MPM affirmed that the agent had communicated with Anglian Water and
that there was an email trail evidencing that Anglian Water had
confirmed that the discharge would not go the treatment works
within the Broads SAC. He advised that Natural England had not been
consulted and that had they been approached, they would have
provided a general comment without an assessment. Officers
therefore came to the determination that, whilst the site was
located within the catchment, the foul flow would not affect the
catchment, this with the additional added conditions would provide
further assurances. The MPM commented that Royal Haskoning were presently working on mapping which
would provide a revised accurate map of the catchment provided by
Natural England. However, till this work was completed, the Council
was in an interim period where it was reliant on
- Cllr A Brown thanked the MPM for his
comments and assurances that Officers were satisfied that the
evidence supplied would hold up to scrutiny, and with the
application of the two additional conditions. He expressed his
concerns that that the discharge of foul flow may assist in further
discharges into the sea by Anglian Water, whose position could be
questioned as a competent Water Authority. Cllr A Brown noted that
the previous Landscape Officer for the 2005 application had been
very concerned that several trees had been cleared from the site
and that no amount of planting would redress the imbalance caused
by that clearance to the natural habitat and biodiversity. He asked
whether Officers were satisfied that there was a sufficient amount
of bio-diversity net gain with respect of the three bungalows
rather than two?
- The
MPM advised that bio-diversity net-gain was not yet enshrined in
law as a legal requirement, and therefore decision makers did not
have a legal basis to ask a 10% biodiversity net gain. He stated
that Officers had looked at the scheme and determined that they
were content that the proposal accorded with the relevant
- Cllr V Holliday echoed the concerns about sewage flow and
enquired how many effluence discharges had occurred from
Mundesley, stating that she was not
comfortable to come to a determination without more data. She noted
that there was much asphalt used within the scheme, and questioned
if permeable asphalt was truly permeable or if it would result in
increased surface drainage water. Additionally, she considered the
density of the site to be very tight and further asked if a
planning condition could be implemented for the use of smart glass
- The
MPM advised that there was no conditioned glazing scheme but that,
if Members were minded do so, this could be added. He reflected on
Members comments regarding Anglian Water, and advised that Members
must be mindful that discharge from Anglian Water was outside the
scope of the Local Planning Authority, and that the proposed scheme
would discharge to the Mundesley
treatment works with waste water being treated before it was
discharged into the sea. Instances where untreated raw sewage was
discharged into the sea were subject to an exception process in
which water authorities must demonstrate reasons for doing so.
Whilst the discharge of raw sewage into the sea was of national
concern, this was legislated against, and did not form a reason for
refusal on this individual planning application.
- The
Chairman asked the Applicant if the tarmac proposed was truly
permeable. The Applicant affirmed that it was and that this
material had been used to minimise the noise disruption to
neighbours which would otherwise occur with shingle. Further, he
would be happy to install a permeable brick weave, should this be
preferable to Members. With respect of glazing concerns he stated
that there was a deep overhang from the roof, and additional
planting would minimise impact of the development.
- Cllr V Holliday advised that her comments regarding glazing
related to light pollution rather than solar gain.
- The
Chairman stated that the application consisted of low lying single
storey properties with an accompanying planting scheme, it was
contended that light pollution was not considered to be an
- The
MPM advised that that matter of light spill would have been
considered by the Landscape Officer and noted that no external
lights were proposed within the scheme. He reiterated that should
the Committee wish to have a condition to finalise the detail of
the glazing, this could be applied with the consent of the
- Cllr N Lloyd affirmed that the principle of development had
already been established and that he was pleased that the Applicant
had provided a landscape scheme. He acknowledged that the proposal
was designed to be developed beyond current building standards, and
that he was disappointed that this had not been highlighted within
the Officers report. He contended that Climate Change should be
included within section three of all future planning applications
and within Officer Reports going forward. Cllr N Lloyd expressed
his support for the application and seconded the Officers
recommendation for approval subject to conditions.
- Cllr A Fitch-Tillett confirmed that
she was aware that Trunch and other
villages discharged to Mundesley. She
contended that surface water run-off was a large issue and that she
was pleased of the insistence within the proposal for permeable
surfaces. She noted that surface water drainage was not Anglian
Waters fault and that this drainage came under the lead Local Flood
Authority which was Norfolk County Council. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett affirmed that the sooner NCC
invested the trillions needed to separate surface water runoff from
sewage, the better, as this would stop all outpours going into the
- Cllr J Toye supported comments made by Cllr N Lloyd and agreed
that Climate Change needed to be better reflected within Officer
Reports. He noted that the scheme was described as carbon neutral
and enquired if there were any checks from building control to
ensure this. Additionally, he encouraged the developer to go
further and work towards a climate negative scheme. Cllr J Toye
supported the efficacy of permeable tarmac which was used on
motorways and aided to remove a large volume of water off the
- The
MPM commented that he could not address comments regarding building
control without speaking to the building control manager, and that
once he had obtained this information he could feedback to
- Cllr J Toye stated that he believed the developer had the best
of intentions but that in other applications in which plans were
submitted and designed by one person but then passed on to a
builder who then sub-contracted the work, the final product was not
as intended. He asked for assurances that there would be an audit
- In
response to Members questions, the Applicant advised that they
would employ a team of local builders and that he was confident
that work would not be sub-contracted. Additionally, the telegraph
pole located within the site would be moved by Openreach.
- The
MPM confirmed that a significant landscaping scheme had been
agreed, details of which were outlined in section 4 of the report.
With respect of boundary treatment scheme, the MPM advised that a
condition could be applied, provided the Applicant was agreeable,
which could work to soften the visual impact on the
- Cllr G Mancini-Boyle agreed with Members representations,
particularly the need to consider and reference the impact of
proposals on Climate Change within Officer Reports. He considered
that more information was required to assist Members in making
there determinations and reflected that whilst the application went
beyond current building regulations, this had not been included
within the Officers report.
- The
MPM advised that the local validation list was being reviewed for
the information that the Authority requires applicants to provide
upfront. He expressed his support for having a section of how an
applicant’s proposal responds positively to the Climate
Emergency, considering that this would be helpful in weighting
applications. He advised that he would reiterate to Officers the
need to include Climate responses in Officer Reports, and would
ensure that this was covered in future reporting.
- Cllr N Pearce commented that the principle of development had
been established some time ago, and that local plans had since been
introduced which had changed the perspective. He stated that he
could understand each perspective and considered the Local Parish
Council to be justified in their comments.
- Cllr A Yiasimi thanked Officers on
their excellent report and considered that the application had
ticked all of the boxes. He emphasised that it was of vital
importance that the conditions were met on the application, should
it be agreed.
- The
MPM noted Members comments during the meeting and summarised the
conditions which had been included within the outlined Officer
Recommendations as well as those added during the
RESOLVED by 14 votes for.
That Planning
Application PF/21/3330 be
APPROVED subject to conditions relating to the following matters
and any others considered necessary by the Assistant Director for
Time limit for implementation and submission of reserved
Approved plans.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the
submitted Arboricultural implications
Assessment/Method Statement and landscaping plan.
Prior to first occupation the vehicle access/crossing over the
verge to be constructed in accordance with highways specification
and retained as shown.
Prior to first occupation the proposed access and on-site car
parking and turning areas to be laid out, demarcated and surfaced
in accordance with the approved plan and retained for that specific
Contaminated Land – Any contamination found during the course
of construction that was not previously identified shall be
reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority.
Remove permitted development rights for the enlargement,
improvement or other alterations of the dwellings, additions or
alterations to the roofs and provision within the curtilage of the
dwellings of any building or enclosure.
Confirmation to be received that, before works commence, that foul
water discharged would not go to treatment works within the Broads
Surface Water Drainage.
Driveway surfacing to consist of permeable materials.
Glazing scheme – to minimise light spill.
Boundary Treatment.
External Lighting.
wording of conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director for