The DMTL introduced the
Officers report and recommendation for approval subject to
conditions. He noted that Planning Permission had previously been
refused for an earlier proposal in June 2021, the reasons for
refusal were outlined on P.195 of the agenda pack.
Whilst the proposal was
considered contrary to NNDC Core Strategy policies to SS1, SS2 and
EC7, as the site was located within the area designated as
countryside, Officers considered the application to be acceptable
and determined that the conflict with these policies was not cited
as a reason for refusal of the prior application, and it was
therefore reasonable assume that the current application was
acceptable in principle. He confirmed that the applicant had sought
to address the prior reasons for refusal.
The DMTL advised that the site
was related to the existing built up part of Wells-next-the-sea,
designated as a secondary settlement, lying only 60 metres outside
of the settlement boundary and within easy walking distance of the
town centre. Officers considered that there would be no significant
harm to the aim of the policies in approving this application
subject to conditions.
He proceeded to go through the
presentation detailing the sites location, an aerial photo,
settlement boundary, site plans, elevations, views of the site, and
main issues for consideration.
Public Speakers
Michelle Lyon –
- The Local Member
– Cllr P Fisher, thanked Officers for their report and noted
that no objecting speakers or Members of the Town Council were
present as a consequence of timing rather than lack of inclination
of disinterest. He considered the proposal failed to accord with
NNDC Core Strategy Policy EC7 and was also contrary to policies SS1
and SS2. Wells Town Council had commented on the previous
application that it was located outside of the settlement boundary,
but the application was refused by the Officer due to matters of
height and scale of unit 2, use of external materials failing to
comply with EN4, and use of glass on unit 1 which would create
light pollution. Cllr P Fisher noted that the revised application
sought to address these issues alone, however this failed to
address the Town Councils prior objections. He noted that as issues
surrounding the boundary settlement had not been cited as a reason
for refusal, it was considered by Officers that introducing this as
a reason now was unreasonable and inconsistent – which he
disagreed. Further, the Local Member considered that
Wells-next-the-sea had a large proportion of holiday lets, and that
the town did not require additional holiday accommodation. He drew
Members attention to the representations and objections on p.196
from Landscape Officer and Norfolk Coast Partnership. Cllr P Fisher
disagreed with Highways lack of objection to the proposal and
considered existing issues on Northfield lane which often had
obstructed access due to the parking on vehicles by holiday makers.
The Local Member stressed the importance to protect the AONB and
considered that such boundaries were being eroded whether by bricks
and mortar, noise or light and affirmed that he would be voting
against the proposal.
- Cllr A Fitch-Tillett considered that too much glass had
been utilised on the eastern elevation of unit 2, and noted that
this might adversely affect the migratory path of wild fowl.
Further, she did not see any reference to flood zones within the
Officer report and sought clarification of the sites status, noting
prior issues of flooding in the area. She reiterated her role as
Vice-Chairman of Norfolk Coast Partnership and expressed her
support for the view of the landscape officer. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett relayed the importance of the AONB
as detailed on p.197 of the agenda pack as a nationally designated
site, and commented that she did not consider that this application
preserved or enhanced the AONB.
- Cllr A Varley sought clarification on the Officers
conclusion and planning balance section, and asked the presenting
Officer why the application had not previously, and was not
currently refused on basis of failure to accord with policies SS1,
SS2 or EC7, and whether this was because Officers considered other
matters were given greater weight.
- The DMTL advised that
Officers did not consider that harm would arise from a departure
from policies for this application due to the sites close
proximity, and easy access to the Town.
- The ADP advised that
this was a departure from policies for the specific reason that the
application site was outside of the settlement boundary in which it
would normally be acceptable in principle. When departing from
policy, it was important to consider the materiality of reasons
raised, and with this application it was important to consider the
distance from services and impact on surrounding buildings in the
area. The ADP noted that Wells-next-the-sea was a service centre
and was in easy walking distance from the proposed
The ADP commented that it may
be considered unreasonable to raise a matter at a later stage
having made a refusal earlier, but that does not necessarily mean
the Council should not consider the matter or decide it be a
consideration in any refusal. However, it may be the case the
applicant or appellant appeals for costs against the council
because it is an issue which was previously raised when the
application was refused. The ADP acknowledged that the applicant
had worked hard to resolve and overcome those issues which had been
materially raised under the precious refusal.
- The DMTL advised, in
response to the question by Cllr A
Fitch-Tillett, that the site was located in Flood-zone 1, which was
not considered to be the highest risk.
- Cllr V Holliday
stated despite the ADP reassurances that she was uncomfortable to
depart from policy, regardless of whether these matters formed part
of the prior reason for refusal. She supported comments made by
Cllr A Fitch-Tillett with respect of
glazing, and the need to protect the AONB. When considering
applications in the AONB, she commented it was important to
consider reduced visible light transition which she believed should
be an absolute requirement that any vertical glazing is 0.65 VLT
and any roof lights are 0.5 VLT.
- The ADP advised that
polices relating to light pollution were set out in the Officers
report, and the policy ideas raised by Cllr V Holliday were not set
out in the Councils supplementary planning guidance. He commented
that the Committee must consider the application on the basis of
current planning policy, the NPPF, and national
- Cllr N Pearce stated
he was disappointed that the boundary settlement status had not
been previously raised as an issue, and expressed the need for
consistency. He noted the need to protect the AONB, and commented
that he would vote against the application.
- Cllr J Toye asked
what potential there would be for the windows to be replaced and
made bigger, or if conditions could be applied to eliminate this
risk. He further asked how overdevelopment of the site had been
considered by Officers, and whether there was a metric
- The DMTL advised that
a condition had been recommended to withdraw permitted development
rights for additional windows and roof lights on the eastern
elevation of unit 1. With respect of overdevelopment, the DMTL
advised this was a matter of planning judgement based on site
coverage of buildings, and reiterated that this had not formed part
of the prior reasons for refusal.
- Cllr P Heinrich
commented that he considered the boundary between countryside and
built up areas rather arbitrary, and considered this specific site
was located in an area with a number of buildings, within the
curtilage of the existing site. On balance, he did not consider the
site to be overcrowded given the scale of buildings surrounding. He
commented that he would far rather see the creation of purpose
built holiday accommodation as opposed to existing residential
accommodation being taken over as a holiday property. Cllr P
Heinrich accepted the Officers recommendation subject to
- Cllr L Withington
seconded the Officers recommendation
votes for and 5 against.
That Planning Application PF/21/3227 be
APPROVEDsubject to conditions
circulated to the Development Committee. Any other conditions
considered necessary, and final wording of conditions, to be
delegated to the Assistant Director –