Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register

To review and note the Corporate Risk Register.


The DFR introduced the report and informed Members that financial risks had increased as a result of inflation and the related cost of living crisis, which had placed additional pressure on the budget. She added that operational risks had also increased due to related pressure on services required to support vulnerable residents, though environmental and social risks had reduced due to changes in the required nutrient neutrality mitigation measures. It was noted that governance risks had reduced now that the statutory officer team was at full capacity, alongside a reduction in reputational risks as the waste collection changes had begun to settle.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          Cllr C Cushing referred to the loss of information risk scored at sixteen with a target score of two, and asked for an explanation. The DFR replied that there were staffing issues in the IT Team which presented a risk, though the issue was being addressed. She added that she would seek to provide further information once she had clarified the issue with the IT department. Cllr C Cushing referred to the NWHSHAZ project and the recent additional funding request, and asked whether the risk should be rated higher as a result of increased costs. The DFR replied that the risk related to scheme completion, and an increase in costs whilst unfortunate, did not mean that the scheme could not be completed.


      ii.          The Chairman referred to Fakenham roundabout comments, and noted that he was unsure that Ward Members had been kept fully informed, as intended. Cllr C Cushing reiterated the comments and noted that he had not been given advance warning of the cost inflation and other issues. The Chairman stated that it was important to keep Ward Members informed and asked if this could be addressed. He added in response to a question from Cllr S Penfold that he did not receive updates from on matters from NCC Highways. Cllr E Seward noted that cost increases for the project had been significant, and efforts were underway to try to meet the funding shortfalls, but an update on progress would be appreciated. He added that he was not opposed to the Council providing additional funding to complete the project, but it could not cover the full amount required.


     iii.          Cllr A Brown referred to risks relating to the emerging Local Plan and noted that whilst the report stated that it would be submitted by February, this may not be the case as it was expected that Full Council approval would be required in March.


    iv.          The DSGOS noted that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee had recommended that the budget overspend be included as a separate risk on the CRR going forward, and suggested that Members may want to comment. Cllr E Seward stated that he was happy for the Committee to review this information as part of the CRR, and budget information could be expected in the coming weeks. Members of the Committee requested that the in-year budget overspend be included in the CRR as a separate risk for consideration going forward.




To review and note the Corporate Risk Register.




In-year budget overspend to be added to Corporate Risk Register.

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