Over the summer, the Electoral Services team has visited the designated polling stations across the district to assess their continued suitability ahead of the forthcoming 2023 Local Elections.
There is a need to run an interim review under The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 and the Representation of the People Act 1982. This review is to act on the findings from these assessments and is only looking to make changes where existing arrangements are deemed to be unsuitable for a variety of reasons such as poor accessibility or condition of hire, comfort of staff or ongoing unavailability.
The proposed changes would be implemented from the District and Parish elections being held on Thursday 4th May 2023 if it is agreed that consultation on the proposed changes can proceed.
That Full Council agrees the commencement of an Interim Polling Place review including consultation with the parishes/polling districts who are proposed for a change to their current arrangements, in line with the proposed timetable.
Cabinet Member(s) Cllr. Tim Adams |
District Ward(s) affected: Stody; Priory; Poppyland; Hoveton & Tunstead; Wells with Holkham; North Walsham West |
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Rob Henry; x6327;
The Chief Executive introduced this item. He explained that polling stations across the District were reviewed periodically to assess their suitability ahead of the 2023 Local elections. The review would only seek to make changes where existing arrangements were deemed to be unsuitable due to issues such as poor accessibility, comfort of staff or condition of hire. Any proposed changes would be implemented from 4th May 2023, when the District and Parish elections were being held.
The Chief Executive said that there were a small number of changes proposed, which he set out. He said that there was only one proposed withdrawal of a polling station – at Thornage, as it was currently sited in the vestry of Thornage Parish church, which was very small and cold. It was therefore proposed that it was moved to the polling station at Briningham Village Hall. He added that the proposed change to Thursford had been withdrawn as the parish council felt that the current venue at the Methodist Chapel remained suitable.
The Chairman invited members to speak:
Cllr P Fisher said that Holkham was supportive of the proposed change of venue. He asked whether the Election Team conferred with Parish Councils as the clerk had indicated that they had not been contacted about the proposed change. The Chief Executive said that the report was seeking support to commence the consultation process and that residents and parish councils would be consulted.
Cllr A Fitch-Tillett said that she was pleased to hear there would be a consultation regarding the changes proposed for Overstrand as she felt that it was unlikely the proposals would be supported.
Cllr N Housden asked about Wicken Green and whether there would still be a Portacabin used at the next election. The Chief Executive said that he would provide a written answer as he did not have that information to hand. He added that a portacabin had been used previously as there was no electricity supply at the community centre building. Cllr T FitzPatrick commented that it was a tent in 2021 rather than a portacabin.
Cllr A Brown said that he noted the proposals for Thornage with concern. The new ID requirements would already impose restrictive new measures and now residents would also have to travel to Briningham to vote. He added that although there was parking at Briningham Village Hall, it was sited on a sharp bend and could be difficult to access and exit. He said that as far as he was aware, the Chairmen of both parish councils were not aware of the proposals. Cllr Brown concluded by saying that he understood the outcome of the consultation would come back to a later meeting of Full Council for approval and he was concerned that there would not be sufficient capacity at the next scheduled meeting on 22 February to give it full consideration as it was the budget setting meeting. The Democratic Services Manager said that options were being explored for the scheduling of an additional meeting of Full Council in late February / early March so that members could consider the Local Plan ahead of its submission and the outcome of the Polling Stations review.
To agree the commencement of an Interim Polling Place review, including consultation with the parishes / polling districts which are proposed for a change to their current arrangements, in line with the proposed timetable.
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