- The
DM introduced the Development Management Performance report (Page
63 of the Agenda Pack) and spoke favourably of Officers performance
and noted the figures included the Christmas Closure period. The
introduction of the back office system had affected the 24 month
period which was expected to improve as time those impacted months
fell out of the subject timeline. The DM advised nutrient
neutrality had delayed decision making, but that Officers remained
keen to clear cases. It is anticipated that the planning
improvement plan would soon be introduced, with Officers reviewing
processes and procedures to offer applicants assurances
applications were being considered in an efficient
- In
response to questions from the Chairman, the DM advised that new
staff were starting with the authority the following week, one a
senior planning Officer and the other the S106 Officer. The DM
advised he would circulate an updated structure chart to
- Cllr G Mancini-Boyle asked additional information be covered in
the report. The DM advised that report was in the process of being
updated which would include data on the
average length of time for applications, and others, which would
aid to manage expectations of applicants and for the public. This
additional data would offer the Committee a greater insight into
the planning services work.
- Cllr A Brown expressed his thanks for
Planning Officers for their hard work, and noted the continued high
performance as outlined in the data provided.
- The
PL commended Planning Officers for their work in reviewing
development certificate applications, which was difficult work
requiring detailed research and surveys and was often very time
- Regarding the S106 report, Cllr R Kershaw thanked the PL for her
hard work with Scottow Enterprise Park and relayed feedback from
the applicant.
- The
PL advised that the draft unilateral agreement for the outstanding
S106 was with the applicant lawyers. With regard to the Crisp
Maltings site in great Ryburgh, the PL advised that this was far
- The
DM in response to questions from the Chairman, advised that the
Council were consulting with the applicant the list of conditions,
and were clarifying the position with Natural England. He advised
he was confident that these matters could be satisfied.
- Cllr G Mancini-Boyle noted some issues with applicants and
members of the public who were understood to have failed to
register to speak at various meetings. He asked if the Portfolio
holder or Customer Services Manager had been invited to explain the
process. The DM advised he would investigate and follow
- Cllr A Brown raised a concern that
that he had not been contacted by Officers, as the Local Member,
before the agenda publication to advise that an application in his
Ward was coming to Committee. The DM advised he would ensure that
Officers were notified when it was there responsibility to
communicate with Members, and that this process be
- Cllr R Kershaw commented that he considered the planning service
improve and reflected that he had been consulted on all
applications within his ward.
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