The SPO – JB introduced the Officers
report and recommendation for approval subject to conditions. He
established the location of the site, its relationship with
neighbouring businesses, site plan, elevations and dimensions of
the car ports. It was considered that the impact of the Norfolk
Coast AONB was minimised with the proposal being suitably obscured
by the Reef Leisure Centre.
Whilst the application may not be valued for
its visual merits, it was considered significant for its positive
impact and alignment with the Councils Climate Emergency
declaration and green aims, offering environmental and renewable
energy benefits. The energy provided to the Reef would be weather
dependent, and subject to demand from the reef at any one time.
Members’ questions and debate
- Cllr L Withington – Local
Member for Sheringham North speaking on
behalf of Local Member Cllr C Heinink (Sheringham South) - spoke favourably of the
application, noting that the Town Council had not objected to the
application and that they too had declared a Climate Emergency in
June 2019. She agreed that placement of the Reef aided to shield
the carpark from the AONB, minimising the visual impact and harm
- Cllr J Rest asked how many panels
the proposal would consist of, and if the panels would be larger
than the conventional sizes used on domestic roofs. The DM advised
there would be 966 PV modules of standard size (referenced in the
design access statement) with a combined surface area of 1896
square metres.
- In response to questions, the SPO
– JB advised that there would be no storage facility proposed
as part of the scheme.
- Cllr N Lloyd advised that whilst the
proposal would not offer the full complement of electricity to
operate the Reef, when at full demand all power would be diverted
to the Reef though there were some electric vehicle charging points
associated with the application with the wiring already installed.
Acceptance of the proposal had the potential to have a significant
reduction on the running costs of the Reef, and an arrangement
would be put in place with the operator (Everyone Active) to ensure
a reasonable price for the energy produced. Having attended several
similar sites across the UK, he considered such proposals as being
very popular, offering shade to cars in the summer, and protection
from inclement weather at other points of the year. Cllr N Lloyd
affirmed that these types of project were essential to meet the
Councils net-zero pledge in 2030, and so proposed acceptance of the
Officers recommendation.
- In response to questions from Cllr G
Mancini-Boyle, the DM advised that the panels would be
- Cllr R Kershaw seconded the Officers
recommendation for acceptance.
- Cllr P Heinrich expressed his
support for the recommendation and commented it was a pity that
solar panels could not be insisted upon all new developments.
- Cllr H Blathwayt considered this a
positive proposal which would have the added benefit of offering
shade to cars, and dogs waiting in cars. He agreed with Cllr P
Heinrich that he would be supportive of such a scheme being used in
all supermarket car parks as in Spain and France.
- Cllr A
Brown commented in support or the application, though considered
the design could be improved. He noted that typically a condition
was added to such applications to ensure the removal of the solar
panels when asked by the Council, and considered this too should be
conditioned with this proposal. With reference to dark skies, Cllr
A Brown asked that the lighting
condition require state of the art lights which minimise light
pollution, and asked if the details provided were the maximum which
could be conditioned.
- The DM advised that the Council had
applied conditions on similar applications when they no longer were
required for electricity generation. It was therefore not
unreasonable for this condition to be applied. With regards light
spill, as the relevant Officer dealing with the Reef application,
the DM advised light spill on the AONB had been a primary
consideration. The DM considered the proposal an enhancement due to
the removal of light columns and replacement with down lighting
under the solar panels.
- Cllr L Withington reflected of
issues in Sheringham with birds
occupying themselves underneath panels, she asked what would be the
likelihood of nesting birds underneath the panels and what could be
done to avoid this.
- The DM advised that matters nesting
birds would be best managed by the Property Services team, rather
than the conditioned.
- Cllr J Toye considered there to be
additional benefits to having solar panels beyond electricity
generation, noting that the shade offered by the panels would keep
all vehicles whether they be electric or not, cool in summer and
this therefore resulted in less energy being used to cool the
vehicles down. Conversely in winter vehicles would be shielded from
the elements and would therefore warm up quicker.
12 votes for.
That Planning
Application PF/22/2901 be APPROVED subject to conditions to cover
the matters listed below:
· Time
Limit for commencement (3 years)
Development in accordance with the approved plans
Final wording of
conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director –