Planning Officers presentation
The PO introduced the Officers report and recommendations for approval both LA/22/2413 and PF/22/2332 and affirmed the sites location, its relationship in the wider context, floor plans, proposed and existing elevations, and photographs of the site.
The proposals to the Grade II listed building proposed to enclose the recess areas under the eaves on the east and west elevations, currently used for existing bench seating, and increasing the internal floor space to accommodate internal alterations which include the upgrading and increased provision of toilet facilities, the relocation of accessible toilets close to the auditorium, a larger store room close to the bar, and renovation of the existing café bar and ice cream shop.
Comments had been received from the Councils Conservation & Design Officers as well as the national advisory body, the theatres trust.
Overall, it was considered that the alterations represented a reasonable compromise between the conservation and adaptation of the asset to ensure the future viability of the theatre. With respect of amenity, policy EN5 of the NNDC Core Strategy requires that within areas designated as public realm proposals are expected to enhance the overall appearance and usability of an area. Officers considered that the proposed provision of toilets and other facilities are considered to have both public and operational benefits increasing the theatres usability and enhancing public amenity.
Whilst the proposals were considered to result in a modest amount of harm to the heritage asset, Officers concluded that this was heavily outweighed by the public benefits accruing from the proposals and ensuring the future vitality of the pier and theatre.
Assets & Property Programme Manager comments
The APPM explained that the proposed alterations internally to the existing public convenience provision would provide a much improved Ladies WC with the addition of two cubicles. Further, by relocating the accessible toilets to the right/eastern elevation, it aided in creating better accessibility into the theatre, as preciously attendees would have crossed the bar area. As a consequence of relocating the accessible WC, the internal dimensions had increased by 625m with the side being pushed out slightly. It was not considered that these changes would dramatically alter the appearance of the Pavilion Theatre.
The APPM advised that the external benches located under the eaves had been temporarily removed and would be returned once the works have been completed. It was anticipated, once returned, there would be a 400-500m overhang over the benches.
The proposals were considered by Officers to offer significant improvements to insulation levels, to improve the EPC rating of the Pier, new LED lighting, the introduction of some water saving systems in the new WC.
It was noted that the toilet area was last refurbished in 2002, and that there were significant issues with the flooring in both the ladies and gents toilets, therefore in conjunction with the major substructure works currently being undertaken on the pier, new steels have been installed underneath the floors, and new timber floor replacement completed with a plastic baffle system offering greater protection. As part of the works a new substructure drainage system was proposed to address major drainage issues.
The APPM advised there was a very tight timeframe to accommodate the theatre programme, with 6 weeks planned for internal works, and 10 months for substructure works.
No Public Speakers
Members questions and debate
i. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett expressed her firm support for the proposals which she considered to be much needed investment in the ‘grand old lady’, and reflected on the benefits which would be brought with respect of the additional cubicles offered in the ladies WC. She commented that she was pleased that the benches would be replaced, as these were often used. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett proposed acceptance of both of the Officers recommendations for approval.
ii. Cllr J Toye seconded the Officers recommendation and stated that the Pier was a precious asset in need of protection, and considered the proposed improvements were to be done in a sympathetic way. He noted that the evolution of the Pier and contended that the proposals were appropriate developments to update the Pier, further highlighted by improvements in the EPC rating and substructure.
iii. Cllr N Lloyd advised that he was in full support of the proposals and asked if it were possible to qualify the EPC rating. He affirmed that Cromer Pier was one for the most energy inefficient assets owned by the Authority, and reflected on comments from entertainers about wind coming through the slats in the changing room.
iv. The APPM advised that he did not have this figure to hand but would provide this to Members at a later time. He advised this was a dynamic project with improved insulation levels, introduction of LED lighting, energy efficient electric heating and others. Acoustic panels and Celotex were to be installed within the suspended ceiling aid in insulation also. The APPM advised that the applications were not a quick process and the Council had engaged with the Maritime Organisation and the Environment Agency, during this time a specialist had attended the Pier to address pigeon issues, with 60 x 15 to 20 kilo bags of pigeon mess removed for disposal.
v. Cllr L Withington affirmed her support for the relocation of the accessible WC, and for making this facility more user friendly. She reflected on holes in the flooring caused by significant wave disturbances and asked if the substructure work would offer a higher level of protection. Cllr L Withington noted the tight timescale and advised she had every confidence in the APPM, Officer and contractors to deliver the proposals on time.
vi. The APPM confirmed that the works to the substructure would replace poorly decayed steels. He advised that at the head of the Pier where the Pavilion Theatre is located has always been the most difficult piece to access, and Officers had taken advantage of the situation whilst scaffolding was in place underneath to fill up hole and replace rotten timbers.
That Planning Application LA/22/2413 be APPROVED subject to conditions to cover the matters listed below
· Development in accordance with the approved plans
· Materials
Final wording of conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director – Planning
That Planning Application PF/22/2332 be APPROVED subject to conditions to cover the matters listed below
· Development in accordance with the approved plans
· Materials
Final wording of conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director – Planning
Supporting documents: