Officers report and presentation:
The SPO introduced the Officers report and recommendation for approval subject to conditions. He outlined that the site comprised of 21 acres with 241 freehold pitches, mostly grass though a small number were fully serviced and hard standing. The site, situated in the countryside, resided in the AONB, the Wooded Glacial Ridge and Coastal Shelf Landscape Character Area as designated with the North Norfolk Landscape Character Assessment, the Undeveloped Coast as designated within the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy, Incleborough Hill Country Wildlife site and West Runton conservation area.
The SPO noted the sites location, its relationship with its surrounding landscape, access to the site, existing and proposed site plans, location of the proposed warden bathroom and kitchen utility pods, motor van waste points, universal service points, all weather pitches, serviced pitches, premium pitches, non-awning all weather pitches and play area (which would be enclosed).
Members questions and debate
i. The Local Member – Cllr S Bütikofer – argued against the Officers recommendation and stressed the importance of the Council upholding its responsibilities to the AONB, protecting it from development. This was a large site offering nearly as many pitches as there were houses in the village. The impact of the campsite on local residents remained her primary concern, aside from outlined concerns regarding the AONB, and she noted that the National Trust had raised objections to the application.
Cllr S Bütikofer contended that the entrance to the site was an issue, in spite of Highways written representations, and reflected that on a Saturday between 11am-12pm the road was impassable with caravans queuing up early to try and secure the best pitch. She noted a video available online from a Camping and Caravan club member who commented how difficult access was to the site, and the need to pass over one of the fairways. Further, she stated that residents occupying the bungalows along the access route were essentially trapped in their homes on a Saturday, denying them their rights to enjoy their homes. The Local Member advised she had written to the Caravan and Camping Club on this matter on several occasions
Cllr S Bütikofer raised concerns about the proposals impact on the landscape. Presently, the site was largely grass with pitches able to recover in the winter months. This proposal would introduce chippings that will be seen in the landscape alongside the erection of fences and play equipment.
Whilst the campsite contributes heavily to the local economy, the Local Member argued that the negative impacts to local residents and the environment outweighed the positives. She argued the proposal was contrary to policy EN4 of the NNDC Core Strategy and to policies surrounding the AONB.
ii. The Chairman asked for clarification whether the proposed hard standing pitches were a replacement/upgrading of existing pitches as opposed to being additions. The SPO confirmed this was the case.
The Chairman further added, as a Camping and Caravan Club member, that the organisation were becoming increasingly vigilant about check in and check out times, though contended this was difficult to enforce. The Local Member argued that a Warden could be employed.
iii. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett noted, as Vice Chairman of Norfolk Coast Partnership, that the organisation had indicated in the report that they were neither in support or objected to the proposal. As a tourist area, North Norfolk was in many instances a victim of its own success. She advised she was familiar with the site, having stayed some 20 years prior, that it was a lovely site, well sited in its landscape. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett contended that the Camping and Caravan Club were doing a good job looking after the site, providing and improving on excellent facilities, she therefore proposed acceptance of the officers recommendation.
iv. Cllr R Kershaw seconded the Officers recommendation for approval.
v. Cllr V Holliday reflected that 240 pitches amounted to 55,000 miles a week, a significant amount of carbon, and echoed the comments from the National Trust and from the Local Member. She sought clarification if the hard standing pitches would be a like for like replacement, or if they would be installed on existing grass pitches.
vi. The SPO advised that most of the Caravan Park was grass with some hardstanding pitches. Many of the grass pitches had a bollard for electric usage.
vii. Cllr N Pearce noted the National Trust and Norfolk Wildlife trust objected to the proposal, and one of the Councils core duties was to protect its AONB and heritage. He questioned if the development conflicted with Core Policy.
viii. The DM advised the application proposed enhancements and developments of the existing site, had the proposal been for the consideration of additional plots this would have amounted to a different planning consideration and assessment. He noted there were consultee representations for and against the proposal, with the Councils Landscape Officer submitting no objection to the scheme. Whilst the Council were charged to manage the impacts of tourism, he contended that the application would enhance the tourism offer and by extension the public benefit.
ix. Cllr J Toye considered that whilst the application listed a series of improvements, it would result in an intensification of the site. He was critical that additional hard-standing pitches would allow for more usage all year round, which was unsuitable for the AONB and the wildlife which would recover in quieter periods. Further, during the summer occupants tended to use the site for a week or more, taking shorter breaks during other periods of the year. This would result in the disruption of residents over more days.
x. The DM advised that condition 11 would restrict the times of year the site could operate, which should mitigate concerns about intensification.
xi. Cllr J Toye contended the proposal may result in additional users being spread across the site and the affect this would have on wildlife.
xii. The Chairman sought clarity about the concerns regarding intensification of the site. The SPO advised that some, not all of the grass pitches would be upgraded to hard-standing, from the 241 pitches across the site only 53 (1/5) would be upgraded. He advised that the upgrades would be largely concentrated at the entrance of the site.
xiii. Cllr R Kershaw was satisfied with the conditions proposed and reflected on his role as Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth, stating that he was supportive of the tourism and income generated through the proposal. Further, he considered that the application complied with policies SS1 and SS2 of the North Norfolk Core Strategy. Cllr R Kershaw expressed his support for the provision of the motor van waste point, which he argued there was a crucial need for in the area.
xiv. Cllr S Bütikofer considered that tenting was far less impactful on the environment that caravanning, as the grass pitches would not be used when the weather was too inclement. She noted that there was no provision in the condition for the returning or the pitches to a natural state, and asked that the use of mesh (used at an alternate site) be used in place of the proposed chippings, to allow for the grass to grow through, and for it to be more natural. The Local Member considered this an agreeable condition which had been applied elsewhere. She concluded that whilst this compromise would not defer her fears regarding intensification of the site and the impact of increased motorhomes driving past neighbouring residents, she accepted that there would be benefits brought through the introduction of waste points, and would find the proposal more acceptable if the site were able to return to its wild nature in winter months.
xv. Cllr V Holliday asked if the waste points would be opened to non-residents. The Chairman advised that they it would not be.
xvi. Cllr H Blathwayt was encouraged that the Caravan and camping Club had sought planning permission rather than making changes under temporary holiday site permissions. Whilst cynical about some of the application, he advised that he would support the recommendation.
xvii. The DM advised he would review the list of conditions to check whether there were any specific plans which referred to the surfacing details. He advised that a condition could be added to agree the final surfacing of the pitches, with the intention that they be less conspicuous in the wider environment.
IT WAS RESOLVED by 12 votes for and one against.
That Planning Application PF/22/1337 be APPROVED subject to the conditions detailed in the Officers report, as well as any other conditions considered necessary by the Assistant Director of Planning. Final wording to be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning.
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