Agenda item

The Reef Solar Car Port




The Corporate Plan and Net Zero Action Plan both required the exploration of the deployment of solar PV on the Council’s car parks.  This report summarises this possibility on the Council’s Car Park at the Reef Leisure Centre, Sheringham in terms of sustainability, climate action and return on investment for the Council. It proposes a scheme that it is considered brings multiple benefits and will serve as a demonstration project and pilot for potential further schemes of a similar nature.



Options considered:

1.      To build a 2 bay solar car port at the Reef.  Reducing the Council’s carbon footprint, supplying the Reef with renewable energy and providing a return on investment for the Council

2.      To build a 3 bay solar car port at the Reef. Reducing the Council’s carbon footprint, supplying the Reef with renewable energy and providing a return on investment for the Council

3.      To not build a solar car port at the Reef. Not contributing to our Net Zero Strategy and Action plan or protecting against the fluctuations in energy prices to the leisure centre.




It is recommended that the scheme is approved for the project to construct a two bay solar array (option 1) on the Reef Car Park as outlined in the business case and that supplier A is appointed as the contractor.












It is recommended:


·      To appoint supplier A to design and build a solar car port at the Reef, in accordance with the costs and specifications for two rows of photo voltaic arrays as set out in the business case (confidential appendix A) within the allocated budget for this scheme

·      To delegate to the Assistant Director for Sustainable Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Environment, agreement on the detailed design of the scheme

·      To delegate to the Assistant Director for Environmental and Leisure Services to negotiate a suitable agreement with Sports Leisure Management Ltd. (Everyone Active) for matters relating to the electricity supply and any operational matters relevant to the site and the leisure contract

·      To delegate to the Environment and Climate Policy Manager to explore options for further installations at other Council-owned assets (e.g. other leisure centres) as soon as this project is successfully underway


Reasons for



·       To generate renewable energy to supply the Reef Leisure Centre and aid the Council’s transition to Net Zero, reducing carbon and producing an associated cost saving from carbon avoided

·       To provide a return on investment reducing the Council’s and/or its contractor’s energy costs

·       To help protect the electricity supply to the Reef against ongoing energy price increases thus helping secure the use of the asset for the District

·       To demonstrate the viability, acceptability, desirability and deliverability of this renewable technology to inform decisions about its potential roll-out on other parts of the Council’s estate

·       To showcase the scheme to inspire landowners, businesses and the wider community to embrace renewable energy generation




Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr Nigel Lloyd


Ward(s) affected Sheringham South

Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Kate Rawlings, 01263 516174








·      To appoint supplier A to design and build a solar car port at the Reef, in accordance with the costs and specifications for two rows of photo voltaic arrays as set out in the business case (confidential appendix A) within the allocated budget for this scheme

·      To delegate to the Assistant Director for Sustainable Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Environment, agreement on the detailed design of the scheme

·      To delegate to the Assistant Director for Environmental and Leisure Services to negotiate a suitable agreement with Sports Leisure Management Ltd. (Everyone Active) for matters relating to the electricity supply and any operational matters relevant to the site and the leisure contract

·      To delegate to the Environment and Climate Policy Manager to explore options for further installations at other Council-owned assets (e.g. other leisure centres) as soon as this project is successfully underway


Reasons for the decision:



·       To generate renewable energy to supply the Reef Leisure Centre and aid the Council’s transition to Net Zero, reducing carbon and producing an associated cost saving from carbon avoided

·       To provide a return on investment reducing the Council’s and/or its contractor’s energy costs

·       To help protect the electricity supply to the Reef against ongoing energy price increases thus helping secure the use of the asset for the District

·       To demonstrate the viability, acceptability, desirability and deliverability of this renewable technology to inform decisions about its potential roll-out on other parts of the Council’s estate

·       To showcase the scheme to inspire landowners, businesses and the wider community to embrace renewable energy generation





Cllr N Lloyd, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, introduced this item. He said that he was delighted to see the project coming forwards. It would procure financial sustainability of the Reef Leisure Centre during a time of soaring energy costs. Cllr Lloyd explained that the scheme stacked up financially and would reduce the Council’s overheads as soon as it was operational. He added that he hoped it would act as an incentive for future projects.


Cllr V Gay, Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing, said that the project demonstrated the Council’s commitment to the environment, but also to leisure provision for both visitors and residents and to financial prudence.


It was proposed by Cllr N Lloyd, seconded by Cllr V Gay and




·     To appoint supplier A to design and build a solar car port at the Reef, in accordance with the costs and specifications for two rows of photo voltaic arrays as set out in the business case (confidential appendix A) within the allocated budget for this scheme

·    To delegate to the Assistant Director for Sustainable Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Environment, agreement on the detailed design of the scheme

·     To delegate to the Assistant Director for Environmental and Leisure Services to negotiate a suitable agreement with Sports Leisure Management Ltd. (Everyone Active) for matters relating to the electricity supply and any operational matters relevant to the site and the leisure contract

·     To delegate to the Environment and Climate Policy Manager to explore options for further installations at other Council-owned assets (e.g. other leisure centres) as soon as this project is successfully underway


Reasons for the decision:



·      To generate renewable energy to supply the Reef Leisure Centre and aid the Council’s transition to Net Zero, reducing carbon and producing an associated cost saving from carbon avoided

·      To provide a return on investment reducing the Council’s and/or its contractor’s energy costs

·      To help protect the electricity supply to the Reef against ongoing energy price increases thus helping secure the use of the asset for the District

·      To demonstrate the viability, acceptability, desirability and deliverability of this renewable technology to inform decisions about its potential roll-out on other parts of the Council’s estate

·      To showcase the scheme to inspire landowners, businesses and the wider community to embrace renewable energy generation




Supporting documents: