Agenda item


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 15 February 2023.


Minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          The Chairman noted that there were a number of outstanding issues from the previous meeting that warranted discussion. He added that since the last meeting there had been several developments with Serco staff, and asked if officers could provide an update. The DFC stated industrial action was being taken by members of Unison with regards to a pay dispute with Serco, which would affect both North Norfolk and Breckland waste Collections. He added that despite this, all but one round had been deployed, and whilst a number of rounds had not been completed in the preceding days, it was small number when placed in context. It was noted that collection crews were returning to missed collections for residual and trade waste, whilst missed recycling would be collected the following fortnight with additional bags accepted. The Chairman asked whether collections were being undertaken by one loader rather than the normal two, to which the DFC replied that this was dependent on available resources. He added that crews were working effectively and covering each other, so there was limited service disruption on the whole. In response to a further question from the Chairman, it was confirmed that industrial action was scheduled to take place from 13th-19th March, with no further action planned. The DFC stated that there was potential for further action, but no notice had been given at the current time. He added that he saw no problems with collections of additional recyclables in a fortnight’s time, as weight was generally not an issue with recyclable materials. Cllr J Rest noted that there had not been any noticeable disruption with collections in the Fakenham area. Cllr S Bütikofer suggested that Serco staff be thanked for their efforts in continuing to make collections under the circumstances.


      ii.          Cllr N Housden stated that he was unable to attend the previous meeting, but raised concerns that information relating to £400k uplift funding for the NWHSHAZ project had still not been provided. The DSGOS informed Members that he had raised a request for the information with officers, but had been informed that one tender had been delayed as a result of potential changes to the Loke works, and officers were therefore not able to confirm the cost of the works. Cllr N Housden stated that the information requested was for estimates, and he had made the original request several months ago. The CE stated that whilst he was unsure of the full details of the request, he was aware of potential changes to the plans for Black Swan Loke, and  would seek to provide an answer in due course. The Chairman noted that the initial request had been made some time ago, and it was concerning that information had still not been provided. Cllr S Bütikofer noted that it would not be possible to publish information whilst tenders were being sought, though she accepted that the information could have been provided in purple papers, which the Chairman had made clear as part of the request.


     iii.          The CE outlined the NWHSHAZ scheme and stated that the market place scheme had been complex due to the involvement of other authorities and stakeholders. He added that there had been various issues throughout the project such as an unexpected sinkhole, but these had been quickly addressed. It was noted that whilst materials had been bought in advance to ensure availability and control costs, labour inflation had taken its toll on the budget. The CE stated that whilst he did not have the full details of the estimates to hand, he would seek to provide the information in the coming days. It was noted that whilst limited information had been provided at the February meeting, this had not included any details of the Loke works.


    iv.          The Chairman referred to recommendations made to GRAC regarding the NWHSHAZ project, and sought an update from the GRAC Chairman. Cllr J Rest stated that GRAC had reviewed the project’s adherence to the project governance and management framework, and considered whether the risk register was adequate. He added that it had been determined that the risk register was misleading, as it contained both pre and post-mitigation risks. It was noted that lessons learned from the Reef project would be considered against all future projects by the CDU.


      v.          Cllr J Toye stated that the NWHSHAZ was a dynamic project that would continue to change, so it would be interesting to see how the Lokes would change, which may explain delays in sharing the information. The Chairman noted that whilst this may help to explain delays, there still needed to be justification provided for the additional £400k. Cllr P Heinrich noted that works in the Market Place were virtually complete with the area expected to reopen to the public imminently. He added that it was his understanding that the Loke works were being considerably reduced to meet the available funding, and it was expected that the Town Council may part fund the changes.


    vi.          Cllr C Cushing stated that the additional £400k funding request had come as a surprise to Members, and had subsequently been challenged on a number of occasions, but no further information had been supplied which was particularly disappointing. The Chairman agreed and noted that the Committee could only fulfil its role of providing oversight and assurance if it was provided the necessary information. Cllr N Housden suggested that it would have been far more beneficial to have the information at the time the funding request was made.

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