Agenda item

Crime and Disorder Update: Police and Crime Commissioner Briefing

To receive and note a briefing from the Police and Crime Commissioner on progress made with the implementation of the Police and Crime Plan.


The DSGOS stated that in the absence of the PCC, Members may wish to propose questions that could be shared for a response.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          Cllr W Fredericks stated that it was disappointing not to receive an update on performance, especially on matters relating to domestic violence where significant improvements were needed to support vulnerable residents. She added that she would she would write to the PCC directly, if the Committee were not minded to direct a similar question.


      ii.          Cllr S Bütikofer noted that she was the appointed representative for the Police and Crime Panel and would be happy to take back any questions, or answer any questions if she could. She added that it was disappointing that a substitute was not available for the PCC, given that comments had been made about Members’ attendance at the last Panel meeting. The Chairman agreed that for previous crime and disorder updates, officers attending had been more than capable of responding to questions on behalf of the PCC and it was unfortunate that it could not have been arranged on this occasion.


     iii.          Cllr L Withington stated that she would have liked to have asked how the PCC would implement the up and coming online safety bill, as there was little within the Plan which addressed it. She added that one argument for removing PCSOs was to place more emphasis on tackling online crime and harassment, and it would be helpful to know if this had taken effect.


    iv.          Cllr J Toye referred to safety for cyclists and walkers on rural roads, and noted that the PCC had previously suggested that more speed cameras would be used to address these concerns, and it would be helpful to receive an update.


      v.          Cllr N Housden referred to a strategic review of policing and suggested that it would be helpful to have some idea of what future plans might include and whether any priorities had changed.


    vi.          Cllr C Cushing referred to recruitment issues and noted that a number of veterans were known to be retiring, and it would therefore be helpful to understand what recruitment plans were in place to address any shortcomings. He added that it would also be helpful to know whether SNAP meetings would continue. The DFC noted that there was a consultation process underway in relation to the future of SNAP meetings, with an event planned on 24th March to discuss their future. Cllr S Bütikofer noted that Police officers no longer attended Parish Council meetings, and it was often suggested that Councillors could attend SNAP meetings instead, but with their future in question community engagement with the Constabulary was a real concern.


   vii.          Cllr V Holliday referred to savings required with the Constabulary’s budget, and stated that to would be helpful to know what these were and be given some assurance that services would not be compromised. Cllr S Bütikofer stated that she had asked a similar question during discussion of the budget, to which the PCC had replied that if the Constabulary had not received additional funding then cuts would have been made in 23-24, which was a real concern.


  viii.          The Chairman referred to visible and trusted policing within the six pillars that formed the basis of the Police and Crime Plan, and noted that all Police forces were going through a re-vetting process, and it would be helpful to know where Norfolk Constabulary were in this process. Cllr S Bütikofer stated that she had recently attended a meeting where the vetting process had been discussed, and informed Members that all the necessary data had been collected and was awaiting review. She added that another issue was that Police officers were not re-vetted on a regular basis, and this meant that some concerns were overlooked. It was noted that the armed forces did have a re-vetting process, and this may be an appropriate consideration for the Constabulary, given the number of concerns raised nationally.


    ix.          The Chairman referred to comments on the Constabulary’s engagement with Town and Parish Councils, and suggested that without a commitment to this engagement, community confidence in the force may be challenged. He added that during previous discussions the PCC had indicated that he did not place the same value on these meetings. Cllr S Bütikofer noted that she had raised similar concerns, but had been told that the Constabulary did not have funds available to support this type of engagement.


      x.          Cllr W Fredericks praised officers who had taken the initiative to engage with their local communities in public spaces.


    xi.          The DSGOS summarised the questions raised and sought approval of the Committee to submit them to the PCC for consideration. Cllr L Withington suggested that the domestic violence question should make reference to all risks levels.


   xii.          The questions were proposed by Cllr S Bütikofer and seconded by Cllr J Toye.




To pose the following written questions to the Police & Crime Commissioner:


1.     Has the number of domestic violence related crimes reduced, or is there any evidence of consistent improvement across all cases with varying levels of risk?


2.     With respect to the Online Safety Bill, how will the OPCCN adapt to these changes, given that previous justifications for the removal of PCSOs was to place greater emphasis on tackling cyber-crime?


3.     Is an update available on plans to improve safety for cyclists and walkers on rural roads by increasing the number of speed cameras or by other means?


4.     What specific savings have been identified within Norfolk Constabulary’s 2023-24 budget?


5.     At what stage is Norfolk Constabulary at in the re-vetting of all Police Officers, and are there any plans to do this on a routine basis going forward?


6.     The Committee commends Beat Manager engagement with Town & Parish Councils to greatly enhance the visibility of Policing and its connections with communities, in addition to SNAP meetings; does the PCC support Beat Managers sending short reports and briefly attending T&PC meetings, as operational priorities allow?




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