Agenda item

Leader's Announcements

To receive announcements from the Leader.


       i.          Cllr T Adams – Council Leader introduced the item and updated Members on the sewage incident that had taken place on Mundesley beach on 19th March as a result of a leak from an AW pumping station. He reported that the leaking pipe had been repaired on the evening of the incident, but there had already been significant pollution of the beach and promenade area. It was noted that AW had removed contaminated beach material and had cleaned the promenade area, but the response would be reviewed by the Council to determine whether AW had responded adequately. Cllr T Adams stated that dialogue remained open with AW on a number of issues such as the Gimingham Combined Sewage Overflow, and water abstraction issues that would continue for the foreseeable future.


      ii.          Cllr T Adams provided an update on flying rings and noted that he had recently visited the RSPCA  facility at East Winch to develop content for a continued media awareness campaign regarding the danger to seals and other wildlife. He added that the RSPCA were currently caring for approximately forty seals which required significant resource, but the charity were doing an excellent job under challenging circumstances.


     iii.          Cllr T Adams reported that the Environmental Contracts Team continued to deal with the impact of Serco strike action and the issues this had caused for residents and businesses’ collections. He added that no further industrial action had been announced in the immediate future.


    iv.          Cllr T Adams noted that as it was the last Full Council meeting of the year, he would take the opportunity to celebrate some of the achievements of the authority over the past four years. These included the Bacton Sandscaping scheme, the Market Town Initiative, electric vehicle charging points, the NWHSHAZ scheme, the evolution of the Big Society Fund into the Sustainable Communities Fund and the successful leasing of new commercial premises. He added that several Council assets had also been replaced or upgraded such as continued improvements to Cromer Pier, completion of the Reef facility, supporting Sheringham Little Theatre, and the continued development of public conveniences across the District. It was noted that the Local Plan had also recently been submitted for review, whilst eighteen properties had been purchased for emergency accommodation, whilst the Council had also part-funded the Meadow Walk extra care scheme alongside NCC. Cllr T Adams stated that the NNDC Youth Council had recently been launched, which was a positive step forward following Covid-19,  which had led the authority to become more people focused.


      v.          Cllr T Adams referred to recent changes and noted that whilst the District had recently lost its blue flag beaches for reasons beyond the Council’s control, he was confident that any administration would ensure that these were returned in the years ahead. He added that on a more positive note, the introduction of the Environmental Charter had led efforts to significantly reduce the Council’s carbon footprint, alongside the pledge to plant 110k trees. It was noted that the Council had also been the first Council to hire a Ukrainian Support Officer to help support refugees, which would continue for as long as required.


    vi.          Cllr T Adams stated that whilst everyone was responsible for these achievements, it was important to thank officers for rising to the challenges presented throughout the past four years. He added his thanks to all Councillors for their service and wished them the best going forward.