Agenda item

Appointment of Members and Substitutes to Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Parties and

Agenda Note:


If the Council is to approve alternative arrangements for appointments to a committee other than those required by law on political balance, it must be without any member voting against them.


There is no substitution permitted on Cabinet. Members are also reminded of the requirement for committee members and substitutes on Development Committee and members of the Licensing Committee (Regulatory and Premises & Gambling) to have undertaken the required training.




To appoint members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, Working Parties and Panels as outlined in Appendix B.




The Chairman invited the Group Leaders to comment on any proposed changes, if they wished.


Cllr A Fitch-Tillett said that she would act as a substitute on the North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund Grants Panel.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, Cllr L Withington and




To appoint members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, Working Parties and Panels as follows:





Overview & Scrutiny


(12 seats)

Liberal Democrat (7)

Conservative (4)

Independent (1)

(politically balanced)



Jill Boyle


Christopher Cushing


Nigel Housden


John Toye


Nigel Dixon



Garry Bull


Victoria Holliday



Peter Fisher


Liz Vickers



Martin Batey





Roy Macdonald





Saul Penfold





Up to 7 subs

Up to 4 subs

1 sub



Emma Spagnola

Phil Bailey

Sarah Butikofer

Emma Coleman




Tom FitzPatrick

Gerard Mancini-Boyle

Peter Neatherway

Eric Vardy

Angie Fitch-Tillett



(14 seats)

Liberal Democrat (9)


Conservative (4)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


Must be trained to sit on the Committee

Paul Heinrich

Victoria Holliday

Angie Fitch-Tillett


Roy Macdonald


Gerard Mancini-Boyle



Andrew Brown

Peter Neatherway



Peter Fisher

Liz Vickers



Mike Hankins




John Toye




Martin Batey





Adam Varley





Kim Toye





Unlimited subs

Unlimited subs

Unlimited subs


Must be trained










Callum Ringer

Garry Bull

Phil Bailey

Sarah Butikofer

Jill Boyle

Emma Spagnola

Emma Coleman

Tim Adams

Wendy Fredericks





Nigel Dixon

Tom FitzPatrick

Luke Paterson

Eric Vardy


Nigel Housden

Jeremy Punchard


Governance, Risk and Audit Committee (6 seats)

Liberal Democrat (4)


Conservative (2)


Independent (0)

(politically balanced)


John Toye


Christopher Cushing


Jill Boyle


Liz Vickers


Saul Penfold





Emma Spagnola





Up to 4 subs

Up to 2 subs







Garry Bull

Richard Sims

Peter Fisher

Emma Coleman



Nigel Dixon

Victoria Holliday


Employment & Appeals Committee

(5 seats)

Liberal Democrat (3)


Conservative (1)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


Must be trained

Tim Adams


Christopher Cushing

Angie Fitch-Tillett

Jill Boyle




Wendy Fredericks




Substitutes (10)

6 substitutes

2 substitutes

2 substitutes


Must be trained




John Toye

Andrew Brown

Garry Bull

Emma Spagnola

Saul Penfold

Callum Ringer


Nigel Dixon

Gerard Mancini-Boyle

Jeremy Punchard

Licensing Committee (15 seats)

Liberal Democrat (9)


Conservative (5)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


(no substitutes)


Must be trained to sit on the Committee

Peter Fisher


Kevin Bayes

Nigel Housden

Garry Bull


Tom FitzPatrick


Richard Sims


Gerard Mancini-Boyle


Harry Blathwayt


Pauline Porter


Don Birch


Eric Vardy


Martin Batey




Liz Withington




Jill Boyle




Tim Adams




Standards Committee

(7 seats)

Liberal Democrats (4)

Conservative (2)

Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


Harry Blathwayt


Nigel Dixon

Angie Fitch-Tillett

Lucy Shires


Pauline Porter


Garry Bull




Roy Macdonald





Up to 4 subs

Up to 2 subs

1 sub


Andrew Brown

Jill Boyle

Emma Spagnola

Adam Varley

Christopher Cushing

Tom FitzPatrick


Joint Staff Consultative Committee (5 seats)

Liberal Democrats (3)


Conservative (2)


Independent (0)

(politically balanced)

Tim Adams


Christopher Cushing


Sarah Butikofer


Tom FitzPatrick


Andrew Brown








Planning Policy and Built Heritage (12 seats)

*Executive sub-committee

Liberal Democrat (8)


Conservative (3)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


Andrew Brown


Nigel Dixon

Jeremy Punchard

Garry Bull


Victoria Holliday


Peter Fisher


Luke Paterson


Paul Heinrich




John Toye





Adam Varley





Martin Batey





Mike Hankins





Up to 8 subs

Up to 3 subs

1 sub



Don Birch

Callum Ringer

Harry Blathwayt

Garry Bull

Liz Withington



Peter Neatherway

Matthew Taylor

Liz Vickers


Member Development Group

(6 seats) no substitutes

*Executive sub-committee

Liberal Democrat (4)


Conservative (2)


Independent (0)

(politically balanced)


Liz Withington

Matthew Taylor




John Toye

Pauline Porter



Lucy Shires




Council Tax Support Working Party (5 seats) no substitutes

*Executive sub-committee

Liberal Democrat (3)


Conservative (1)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)


Tim Adams

Peter Neatherway

Angie Fitch-Tillett


Jill Boyle





Peter Fisher




Cabinet Working Party for Projects (5 seats)

*Executive sub-committee

Liberal Democrat (3)

Conservative (2)

Independent (0)

(Politically balanced)

Tim Adams


Christopher Cushing


Wendy Fredericks


Nigel Dixon


Andrew Brown









Adam Varley

Paul Heinrich



NN Sustainable Communities Fund

(7 seats)

*Executive sub-committee

Liberal Democrat (4)


Conservative (2)


Independent (1)

(politically balanced)





Saul Penfold


Tom FitzPatrick


Nigel Housden


Adam Varley


Victoria Holliday



Jill Boyle




Martin Batey





Up to 4 subs

Up to 2 subs

1 sub


Andrew Brown

Garry Bull

Emma Coleman

Emma Spagnola






Gerard Mancini-Boyle

Pauline Porter


Constitution Working Party (5 seats)

Liberal Democrat (3)


Conservative (2)


Independent (0)

(politically balanced)

Adam Varley

Tom FitzPatrick




Lucy Shires


Eric Vardy



Martin Batey






Up to 3 subs

Up to 2 subs




Pauline Porter


Liz Vickers
















Supporting documents: