Agenda item

Contextual Performance Report

Contextual Measures Report – CIPFA comparison

Executive Summary

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee previously requested a report to show trend analysis and benchmarking information for the contextual measures listed in the Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023. Following this quarterly review of the contextual measures compared with similar Local Authorities (CIPFA), the Committee may decide to make recommendations to Cabinet for further investigation, monitoring and/or possible intervention for improvement in specific areas.


For this quarter, of the 15 measures, 1 scored red in the CIPFA quartile RAG analysis, 4 scored amber, 3 scored light green and 2 scored green. 3 measures have no benchmarking data available, 1 measure contains two large reports and 1 measure has since become void. The measure that scored red was Contextual Measure 12: Index of Multiple Deprivation – overall score (overall index score per year).

Options considered


1.         No action

2.         Make recommendations to Cabinet


Consultation is not necessary as the “Contextual Measures Report – CIPFA comparison” has been produced solely for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review.



1.         Receive and note the contextual measure data for NNDC compared to the CIPFA benchmarking group.

2.         Decide whether to take no action or make recommendations to Cabinet for further investigation, monitoring and/or possible intervention for improvement in specific areas.

Reasons for recommendations


Using the contextual measure information, which covers a wide range of social-economic indicators, will allow a broad assessment of the health and climate of North Norfolk. Monitoring the trends over time and in comparison to North Norfolk’s CIPFA Nearest Neighbours will provide a detailed insight of each measure and will be a useful facilitator for any resulting recommended actions that may be required.

Background papers


All background papers used are published on NNDC’s intranet. The majority of the information is also available on LG Inform’s online data portal.



Wards affected

All wards are affected as the data is for the North Norfolk district.

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Tim Adams

Contact Officer

Lucy Wilshaw, Corporate Data Analyst. Tel: 01263 516 379. Email:


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

All the contextual measures in the “Contextual Measures Report – CIPFA comparison” were selected during the conception of the Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee requested an additional report to facilitate a more detailed evaluation of these measures, as they are not included in the Quarterly Performance Report of the Corporate Plan.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The Report is not specifically linked to MTFS however early identification and intervention of any concerning areas will save time and money in the long run, and improved the quality of life for North Norfolk’s residents.

Council Policies & Strategies

The Report is linked to the Performance Management Framework.


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

The “Contextual Measures Report – CIPFA comparison” has been produced solely for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

15/03/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting:

·         Quarterly review of the Report

·         CIPFA comparison area only

·         Hyperlinks only to the data reports to save paper. Not to be attached as an appendix and therefore printed as part of the agenda.



The CDA introduced the report and informed Members that of the fifteen contextual measures contained within the Corporate Plan, only four had been updated since the last review. She added that none had received a red RAG status when compared with the Council’s CIPFA nearest neighbours, though two were given an amber status, but did not present a particular concern as they were either improving or stable. It was noted that the index of multiple deprivation score may be worthy of further investigation given its red RAG status, but the measure was improving. The CDA noted that the area was also scoring poorly in terms of barriers to housing and services which were affected by housing affordability and distance to services, which may not be a surprise. Business survival rates was reported to have an amber RAG status, though other datasets were suggested to provide a more detailed picture of business health in the District.


Questions and Discussion


      i.        Cllr V Holliday suggested that it may be worthwhile looking in detail at the multiple deprivation score, as the Council would be able to assist residents on matters such as fuel poverty and public transport. She added that contextual measure thirteen also correlated with the response received from the OPCC, which suggested that efforts to address domestic abuse and violence did not appear to be working, which may therefore require further investigation. Cllr T Adams agreed that it would be worthwhile investigating these areas and stated  that continued rises in domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour crimes were concerning. The DSGOS asked whether there was further data available on the measures raised by Cllr Holliday. The CE stated that several of the contextual measures were subject to a significant time lag, and new datasets were being considered as part of the development of the Corporate Plan, so it may be worth waiting before considering any additional datasets.


     ii.        The Chairman noted that the benchmarking data would come to the Committee in July, and the Committee may want to review this before making any decisions on updating datasets. The CE noted for the benefit of new Members that the Performance Management report related to objectives within the Corporate Plan, whilst the benchmarking report considered performance against similar authorities, and the contextual data report provided context of the Council’s performance within national datasets.


    iii.        The recommendation was proposed by Cllr S Penfold and seconded by Cllr J Boyle.




1.    To receive and note the contextual measure data for NNDC compared to the CIPFA benchmarking group.


Supporting documents: