Executive Summary |
Following the District Council elections on 4th May the Cabinet and Corporate Leadership Team have worked to develop a new Corporate Plan which sets out the intent and ambition of the authority for the period 2023 – 2027.
The draft Corporate Plan document is now presented for formal approval by Cabinet and thereafter presentation to Full Council for adoption. |
Options considered
The Council is required to publish a Corporate Plan.
The development of this Plan reflects the priorities of the administration based upon their manifesto statements and looks to take forward new actions under the principal themes from the 2019 – 2023 Corporate Plan – particularly with respect to the environment and Net Zero, housing, the local economy, quality of life and engagement with our residents and communities. |
Consultation(s) |
The development of the new Corporate Plan has not in itself involved a specific process of consultation. The Plan has been developed recognising those critical issues facing North Norfolk and its communities and reflects the priorities of the incoming council administration for the period 2023 – 2027. These issues are not new and will involve the Council working with established partners to develop responses to these challenges. The Corporate Plan is a high level document setting out the priorities of the Council over the next four years, with specific project proposals and interventions developed to address those challenges being the subject of engagement and consultation in the months ahead.
That Cabinet resolves to:
That Cabinet recommends to Full Council:-
Reasons for recommendations
The Corporate Plan details the Council’s ambitions and intent for the next four years. It will provide the framework and context for the Council’s service provision, project interventions and resource allocation (financial and staffing) for the period through to 2027.
The Plan will be subject to annual review to ensure that it continues to reflect the Council’s priorities and objectives throughout the next four years in response to emerging trends, policy developments and legislation. |
Background papers
No background papers were used in the preparation of this report. |
Wards affected |
All |
Cabinet member(s) |
Cllr Tim Adams, Leader of the Council |
Contact Officer |
Steve Blatch, Chief Executive Tel:- 01263 516232 Email: steve.blatch@north-norfolk.gov.uk |
That Cabinet recommends to Full Council:-
Reason for the Decision:
The Corporate Plan details the Council’s ambitions and intent for the next four years. It will provide the framework and context for the Council’s service provision, project interventions and resource allocation (financial and staffing) for the period through to 2027.
The Plan will be subject to annual review to ensure that it continues to reflect the Council’s priorities and objectives throughout the next four years in response to emerging trends, policy developments and legislation. |
The Chairman and Leader of the Council, Cllr T Adams, introduced this item. He began by thanking officers for their hard work and support in preparing the Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027. He said that many of the key issues campaigned for by the Administration during the District Council elections, were reflected as key themes in the Corporate Plan. An Annual Action Plan would be developed to cover the next two years and would outline those projects and interventions the Council would seek to implement to address the challenges faced by the District under each of the priority themes. Once the Action Plan was finalised, it would inform a revision of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and the 2024/25 budget process.
The Chairman said that the Council would have to respond to a great deal of change in the next four years, including the impact of inflationary pressures on finances, the outcome of the standardisation of waste consultation and the potential agreement of County Deals.
He explained that the Corporate Plan had the following five key themes;
· Our greener future
· Developing our communities
· Meeting our local housing need
· Investing in our Local Economy and Infrastructure
· A strong, responsible and accountable council
He added that work would continue to support important workstreams, such as continued investment in public toilet facilities, the provision of temporary accommodation and addressing the challenges of the cost of living crisis.
Cllr A Brown welcomed the progress that had been made on developing the new Corporate Plan so quickly.
Cllr L Shires said that she welcomed the reduction in jargon and as Portfolio Holder for Finance she was looking forward to the challenge of achieving financial stability.
The Chairman thanked them for their comments and said there was still some detail to include such as additional information on affordable homes.
It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr W Fredericks and
That Cabinet recommends to Full Council:-
Reason for the Decision:
The Corporate Plan details the Council’s ambitions and intent for the next four years. It will provide the framework and context for the Council’s service provision, project interventions and resource allocation (financial and staffing) for the period through to 2027.
The Plan will be subject to annual review to ensure that it continues to reflect the Council’s priorities and objectives throughout the next four years in response to emerging trends, policy developments and legislation. |
Supporting documents: