Agenda item

Cromer - Marram's Bowls Club, Proposed Redevelopment

Executive Summary

The Council own the premises leased to and occupied by Marrams Bowls Club on Runton Road, Cromer.


The Club is managed by Trustees.


The external elements of the premises are in dis-repair and will require major capital expenditure by NNDC to consolidate the building structure and ongoing revenue cost to then maintain.  


In this paper the potential to demolish part of the property and to refurbish and reconfigure the Clubhouse into a reduced area has been considered and both plans and costs have been provided by external architects and quantity surveyors.


The recommended option would provide the opportunity to create a newly refurbished clubhouse and a new bespoke area for up to 3x separate income producing concessions.  



Options considered


The following options have been considered as being possible and implementable;

  1. Termination of the current lease and closure of the Club to provide for redevelopment - discounted
  2. Demolition of the whole and development of a new Clubhouse and restaurant at first floor level – not viable.
  3. Demolish the whole and re-use for concessions and re-provide putting concession – discounted as loss of bowls amenity
  4. Reduced scale of repairs (roof and windows) – discounted as doesn’t meet net zero priorities
  5. Demolition of part and refurbishment of the Clubhouse to provide new community club facilities and space for concessions viable scheme (the recommended scheme). 
  6. Disposal to tenants or 3rd party - discounted



  1. Planning – the proposal to redevelop or refurbish has been discussed at a high level with the planning team and conservation officer
  2. Several meetings have been held with senior Club members to discuss the options and they have seen the plans for refurbishment being Option 4 above.
  3. Local Members are aware of the proposals albeit at a high level. 
  4. The pitch & putt tenant has been advised of the proposed plans.




It is recommended to Cabinet to approve:


1)The proposal (Option 4) to redevelop the club house to

respond to significant building repair needs

2) Additional capital budget of £350,000 to fund the project alongside the £50,000 of Capital for roof repairs previous allocated.

3)That should there be any further negotiations to the lease

terms, to delegate to the Assistant Director Finance Assets

Legal, s151 officer, in consultation with the portfolio holder,

the ability to amend the lease terms. 

4) The surplus area to be marketed and let to concession




Reasons for recommendations


This recommendation is being made as it provides the best return on the capital to be employed in responding to repairs and maintenance issues at the property and supports the Councils Corporate Plan objectives.

Background papers





Wards affected

Cromer Town; Cllr Adams, Cllr Boyle

Cabinet member(s)

1) Finance, Estates & Property Services; Cllr Shires

2) Community, Leisure & Outreach; Cllr Withington

3) Climate & Net Zero; Cllr Varley

4) Sustainable Growth; Cllr Heinrich


Contact Officer

Renata Garfoot, Estates & Asset Manager


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

The proposals are linked to the following Corporate Plan priorities; 

·         Boosting Business Sustainability and Growth

·         Financial Sustainability and Growth

·         Quality of life

·         Climate, Coast & the Environment

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

These proposals are linked to the MTFS in that any income generated from this building would be an entirely new income source for the Council and any new lease could pass other ongoing costs to the tenant(s)/concession holders


Council Policies & Strategies

The proposals in this report are linked to the Asset Management Plan 2018 and fully support the policies in that plan. Net Zero Strategy and Action Plan.


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

The Exempt Appendix provides information that is commercially and financially sensitive.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter








To defer a decision pending the provision of further information on planning constraints, footfall figures and potential concession opportunities


Reason for the decision

It was considered that more information was required before members felt able to reach a decision on the future of the site.

Supporting documents: