Cllr Paul Heinrich

Profile image for Cllr Paul Heinrich

Title: Chairman of Development Committee

Party: Liberal Democrats

Ward: North Walsham East

Parish: North Walsham (East)

Contact information

Home address: 
26 Thirlby Road
NR28 9JB

Phone:  01692 218929

Bus. phone:  01263802766

Bus. email:

Download Cllr Paul Heinrich contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

I was first elected to North Norfolk District Council in May 2019.


I grew up on a farm in Ridlington, moving into North Walsham in my teens and returning to the town upon retirement. An old boy of The Paston School I had a varied career in the education sector including teaching, various LEA advisory positions, OFSTED inspection, a stint as a senior lecturer at Northampton University and finally as Senior Adviser for ICT for Portsmouth City Council. This also included several years of voluntary activity as a board member and Director of the education charity NAACE.


Whilst living in Winchester I served two terms as a Liberal Democrat member of Winchester City Council, a District comprising both a large urban area and a considerable rural hinterland.  Previous experience of local government as both a member and an officer I find extremely valuable.


Passionate about photography I am an active member of North Walsham Photographic Group. I also volunteer when I can on the North Norfolk Railway.


As a councillor my priorities are to see the continued development of North Walsham as a vibrant town with a sound economic base and a pleasant, sustainable environment.