Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 7th December, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: remotely via Zoom. View directions

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 02 November 2020


The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


Mr R Oliver asked the following question:


‘I am sure that Cabinet members agree that reports produced by North Norfolk District Council should be complete and accurate. This should particularly be the case where the report is published publicly. Could the Leader explain how the Council would set about amending a report which was not complete and accurate and which had already been considered publicly by members of the Council and, in addition, whether the Council would apologise if the public has been provided incomplete or inaccurate information?’


The Leader thanked Mr Oliver for his question. She said that asLeader of the District Council she confirmed that it was of course important that reports prepared and presented to the Council were complete and accurate.  If Mr Oliver believes that a report or reports presented to Committees of the Council have not been prepared and presented in this way she advised that he should address his concerns in writing to the Council’s Chief Executive such that any complaint could be properly investigated and, if appropriate, any issues identified addressed through the Council’s established processes.


Mr Oliver replied that he wished to ask a supplementary question. He said that he had written to the Portfolio Holder for Finance over one month ago asking whether Section 2, row O in the Monitoring Officer’s Annual Report was accurate. Given what the Leader had just said in response to his previous question and the significant amount of time that had elapsed, he wondered whether the Leader was able to confirm now that the report was accurate and that there had been no actual or potential litigation or claims that would have a significant effect on the entity or a material impact on the financial statements? The Leader referred Mr Oliver to her previous answer. She said that the correct procedures must be followed and she would provide him with a written response.



Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972




Declarations of Interest

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest




Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any




Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee

To consider any recommendations made to the Cabinet by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, in accordance within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules


The Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Cllr N Dixon, confirmed that there were no recommendations.



Recommendations from Cabinet Working Parties



ITEM 7: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development, ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts




That Cabinet endorses the revised Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development and ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.



ITEM 8: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN1: Employment Land; ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases Policy; and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas




That Cabinet endorses the revised Policies ECN1: Employment Land, ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases, and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.



ITEM 9: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites; ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites; ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions; and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation




That Cabinet endorses the revised Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites, ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites, ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.







That Cabinet adopts the Ludham and Stalham Staithe Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans 2020.







ITEM 7: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development, ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts





To endorse the revised Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development and ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.


ITEM 8: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN1: Employment Land; ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases Policy; and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas





To endorse the revised Policies ECN1: Employment Land, ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases, and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.


ITEM 9: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites; ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites; ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions; and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation





To endorse the revised Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites, ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites, ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.







To adopt the Ludham and Stalham Staithe Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans 2020.





The Chairman invited the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Cllr J Toye, to introduce this item. Cllr Toye said that the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party had met on the 9th November and made the following recommendations (as outlined in the agenda).


It was proposed by Cllr J Toye, seconded by Cllr V Gay and




To approve the following recommendations from the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party meeting of 9th November 2020:


ITEM 7: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development, ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts


To endorse the revised Policies ECN4: Retail and Town Centre Development and ECN5: Signage and Shopfronts, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.


ITEM 8: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN1: Employment Land; ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases Policy; and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas


To endorse the revised Policies ECN1: Employment Land, ECN2: Employment Areas, Enterprise Zones & Former Airbases, and ECN 3: Employment Development Outside of Employment Areas, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.


ITEM 9: Local Plan Draft Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites; ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites; ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions; and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation


To endorse the revised Policies ECN6: New Build Tourist Accommodation, Static Holiday Caravans & Holiday Lodges & Extensions to Existing sites, ECN7: Use of Land for Touring Caravan & Camping Sites, ECN 8: New-Build & Extensions to Tourist Attractions and ECN 9: Retaining an Adequate Supply & Mix of Tourist Accommodation, and delegates responsibility for drafting such an approach, including that of finalising the associated policies and policies mapping, to the Planning Policy Manager.




To adopt the Ludham and Stalham Staithe Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans 2020.



North Norfolk District Council's actions in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic pdf icon PDF 281 KB













































































Options considered:

This report details the actions taken by North Norfolk District Council in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic at a strategic, local and organisational level over the period September - November 2020.


This includes:-


  • monitoring and responding to local cases of COVID in the District, whilst continuing to support large numbers of visitors to the District during September and October, whilst local rates of infection / transmission remained low through maintaining our “You are Welcome” reassurance programme.
  • maintaining social distancing measures and hand washing facilities so as to create and maintain safe, attractive town centre and seafront environments and working with our cleansing contract partner, SERCO, to maintain high frequency of toilet cleansing, beach and foreshore cleansing
  • regular “fogging” of “high-touch” surfaces within the District Council’s public conveniences, playgrounds, car park machines, foreshore shelters and on Cromer Pier to reduce the potential transmission of Coronavirus
  • high frequency cleaning and regular fogging of the Council’s offices at Cromer and Fakenham to operate a “safe” working environment for District Council and DWP staff
  • Securing £330,000 through the Norfolk Tourism Sector Support Programme to support increased cleansing of key tourist areas in the District; development, promotion and appraisal of applications for a North Norfolk tourism adaptation grant scheme to promote investment which diversifies / extend the visitor season and promotion of the District to key markets throughout 2021.
  • Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 31st October that there would be an all-England lockdown for the period 5th November – 2nd December to suppress rapidly rising rates of infection, the Council has stepped up its community support arrangements for vulnerable people and put in place arrangements to administer a further £5.2 million of Local Restriction Support Grants to local businesses which have had to cease trading during the lockdown
  • continued to work with a range of partners to provide housing advice and support to people facing housing difficulties and is currently accommodating 48 households in temporary accommodation pending securing permanent accommodation
  • administering Test and Trace payments on behalf of the Government for people on low incomes who are required to self-isolate because of a positive COVID test or through close contact with a person with a positive test result
  • continued to support twice weekly mobile testing facilities on Council car parks in Cromer and Fakenham
  • continued to participate in regular meetings of the Norfolk Health Protection Board and Norfolk Health Engagement Board arrangements which are monitoring, reviewing and responding to local outbreaks of Coronavirus in the county and by working with partners in Winter Preparedness arrangements – including discussions around mass testing and vaccination programmes in the months ahead.


The report details the Council’s actions in the current phase of the Coronavirus pandemic during the period September – December 2020.  Actions taken are outlined in the report.





The report details the actions taken by the District Council during the period September - December in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, including supporting our local communities  ...  view the full agenda text for item 8.


The Leader, Cllr S Butikofer, introduced this item. She said that there had been two outbreaks 10 days earlier which had led to a spike in numbers. This was in a contained setting and the numbers were now stable. That said, there had been a small increase in the last 48 hours which the Council was currently investigating. Covid Support Officers had been deployed across the District to assist with adherence to Government guidance. She then updated Members on the latest grant payment figures. For the Local Restrictions Support grant, 2781 applications had been processed, paying out £3.929m (75% of the funding received from Government).


The Leader concluded by saying that the Christmas opening times of the local testing sites in Cromer and Fakenham were now available on the Council’s website.


It was proposed by Cllr S Butikofer, seconded by Cllr R Kershaw and




To note and comment upon the Council’s actions during the period September - December in supporting communities and businesses across North Norfolk during the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the second period of national lockdown; and in preparing for mass vaccination programmes in the first quarter of 2021.


Reason for the decision:


To inform corporate learning from experience gained through the earlier phases of the pandemic, and preparedness to respond to local incidences of COVID in the next few months, as well as preparations to support the local delivery of mass vaccination programmes during the first quarter of 2021.


Managing Performance Quarter 2 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 1 MB










Options considered:

The Managing Performance Report attached, as Appendix A will enable the Council to assess delivery against objectives detailed in the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan 2019-2023 and operational service performance.It givesan overview,assesses theimpact that Covid-19has hadon boththese aspectsof Council performance, the actions being taken to address these issues and proposes any further action needed that requires Cabinetapproval.


Options considering action regarding performance are presentedseparately, issueby issue,to theappropriate Council Committee where committee approval is required.



Covid-19 hascontinued tohave asignificant impacton the achievementof theobjectives inthe CorporatePlan Delivery Plan 2019-2023 and some impact on service operationalperformance overthe periodof theQuarter 2 report from July to September 2020. Whilst low rates of infection were seen in the district over the peak summermonths, thelarge numberof staycationvisitors and tourists,saw significantpressure onour resortand cleansing services, but other service areas of the Councilsought tooperate asnear tobusiness asusual, allowing some recovery against performance targets and objectives, as shown in thisreport.






Reasons for Recommendations:

That Cabinet resolves to note this report and endorses the actions being taken by Strategic Leadership Team detailed in Appendix A – Managing Performance.


To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved.


Cabinet Member(s) Cllr Sarah Bütikofer

Ward(s) affected All

Text Box: Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Steve Blatch, Chief Executive Email:- Tel:- 01263 516232



The Leader, Cllr S Butikofer, introduced this item. She said that progress was slower in some areas than she would have liked but it had picked up in quarter 3.

Cllr C Cushing referred to page 23 of the report and the RAG (Red, Amber Green) status’. He said that in the commercial sector RAG statuses were driven by cost and time, with time being the predominant driver. He referred to the due dates for 5 actions that had passed and said they were marked as amber or green. In addition, there were 21 due dates for the end of the year which were flagged as green, yet some of them had not started. He queried how this was possible and the due dates were meaningless.


The Leader replied that this was the report for Q2 and not the current position, adding that there had been progress on several of these items. She agreed that it was important that they were a true reflection. She confirmed that the next Managing Performance report would come forward in March 2021.


The Policy & Performance Management Officer confirmed that cost and time were assessed for the RAG ratings, together with well as quality, quantity and the impact the action will have. If the impact is linked to a specific time for implementation, then they were indeed time critical. Other dates that were included in the report were for service planning purposes to ensure that service areas were not overloaded during critical periods. She said that she would provide Cllr Cushing with the details of all of the actions which were time critical.


It was proposed by Cllr S Butikofer, seconded by Cllr R Kershaw and




To note the report and endorses the actions being taken by Strategic Leadership Team detailed in Appendix A – Managing Performance.


Reason for the decision:


To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved


Fees and Charges 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 206 KB




Options considered:

This report recommends the fees and charges for 2021/22 that will come into effect from April 2021.


Alternatives for the individual service fees and charges now being proposed will have been considered as part of the process in arriving at the fees presented within the report.




The fees and charges as recommended will be used to inform the income budgets for the 2021/22 budget.  Approval for the fees ahead of presenting the detailed budgets allows for implementation of changes where applicable and also informs the 2021/22 budgets.













Reasons for



That Cabinet agree and recommend to Full Council:

a) The fees and charges from 1 April 2021 as included in Appendix A.

b) That Delegated Authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Heads of Service, to agree those fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required as outlined within the report


To approve the fees and charges as set out in the report that will be used to inform the 2021/22 budget process.



Cabinet Member(s):

Eric Seward


Ward(s) affected: All

Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Lucy Hume, 01263 516246,


Additional documents:





To agree and recommend to Full Council:

a) The fees and charges from 1 April 2021 as included in Appendix A.

b) That Delegated Authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Heads of Service, to agree those fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required as outlined within the report


Reason for the decision:


To approve the fees and charges as set out in the report that will be used to inform the 2021/22 budget process.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Cllr Seward, introduced the report. He explained that the fees and charges, as recommended, would be used to inform the income budgets for the 2021/22 budget. He said that the usual inflationary increase had not been applied to most charges due to inflation having been close to zero during recent months. He added that there were no proposals to increase car parking charges or market fees in the light of the pandemic.


It was proposed by Cllr E Seward, seconded by Cllr N Lloyd and




To agree and recommend to Full Council:

a) The fees and charges from 1 April 2021 as included in Appendix A.

b) That Delegated Authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Heads of Service, to agree those fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required as outlined within the report


Reason for the decision:


To approve the fees and charges as set out in the report that will be used to inform the 2021/22 budget process.


Renewal of Print Room Printers and Software pdf icon PDF 560 KB














Options considered:

In April 2016 the council procured printers and associated software through the Crown Commercial Services Framework 3781 Lot 2. Xerox was awarded the contract and it was agreed by Cabinet that a 5-year contract would be signed and the current contract ends May 2021.


This report is seeking approval of a new lease and maintenance contract with Xerox by direct appointment through the Crown Commercial Services Framework 3781 Lot 2 for the period to December 2024.



The alternative options available to the council is to extend the current contract, for 2 years, at existing costs or enter into 5-year contract following a full procurement process.





The proposed new lease through the Crown Commercial Services Framework is the best value for money option to provide the hardware and software to provide the reprographic services required by the council.










Reasons for



It is recommended that Cabinet approve:


The agreement of a new lease and maintenance contract through the Crown Commercial Services Framework 3781 Lot 2 with Xerox for the period to December 2024 as set out in the report.


To provide value for money provision of in-house reprographic services across the council.


Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires


Ward(s) affected


Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Sean Kelly, Head of Business Transformation & IT


Tel:- 01263 516276







To agree a new lease and maintenance contract through the Crown Commercial Services Framework 3781 Lot 2 with Xerox for the period to December 2024 as set out in the report.


Reason for the decision:


To provide value for money provision of in-house reprographic services across the council.




The Portfolio Holder for Organisational Resources, Cllr L Shires, introduced the report. She said that the report sought approval for a new lease and maintenance contract.


Cllr J Rest said that he welcomed the decision to keep the printing contract in-house rather than outsourcing it to an external provider. He hoped that there were also opportunities for the Council to charge other organisations for printing services. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett confirmed that this was the case and the Print Room had undertaken printing for the Flood & Coastal Committee.


It was proposed by Cllr L Shires, seconded by Cllr J Toye and




To agree a new lease and maintenance contract through the Crown Commercial Services Framework 3781 Lot 2 with Xerox for the period to December 2024 as set out in the report.


Reason for the decision:


To provide value for money provision of in-house reprographic services across the council.
















Options considered:

NNDC was successful in a bid to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) for £140k grant funding to be used with £360k of NNDC capital to purchase four units of accommodation for use as temporary or move-on accommodation for rough sleepers. The terms of the MHCLG grant are that purchases must be made before April 2021. This report now recommends the purchase of these units, using delegated authority where necessary to ensure purchases can be made within the timescales of the grant. 


Do not purchase the units but instead invest the budget. This would not bring about the desired outcome, nor would it be financially advantageous to the Council.




The MHCLG funding provides a viable option for the Council to purchase further units of accommodation to help provide quality temporary and move-on accommodation for single rough sleepers / homeless households. A first suitable property has now been identified and purchase of this property, together with three similar properties, would provide quality, flexible temporary accommodation. There is budget provision available to purchase four homes.










Reasons for



That Cabinet agrees to the purchase of the specific property identified in this report and gives delegated authority to a Chief Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Benefits, for the purchase of the remaining three properties within the overall budget of £500k (with all purchases subject to an independent valuation and survey).



To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.


(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)


Budget report to Full Council - 22 February 2017

Purchase of two properties for use as Temporary Accommodation for homeless households – Cabinet  2 March 2020

Purchase of further property for use as Temporary Accommodation for homeless households - Cabinet 18 May 2020 and Cabinet 7 July 2020




Cabinet Member(s)

Councillor Greg Hayman

Ward(s) affected

North Walsham Market Cross

Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Contact Officer: Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager, Tel: 01263 516027, email







That Cabinet agrees to the purchase of the specific property identified in this report and gives delegated authority to a Chief Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Benefits, for the purchase of the remaining three properties within the overall budget of £500k (with all purchases subject to an independent valuation and survey).


Reason for the Decision:

To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.




The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr G Hayman, introduced this item. He said that it was crucial that the project was moved forwards due to a very tight deadline at the end of March 2021.


Cllr Rest welcomed the proposals and asked about ongoing maintenance and repair costs and how voids would be dealt with. He asked whether anyone being relocated into these units would be ‘vetted’ so that local residents could be reassured.


Cllr Hayman replied that most local people were already aware of where the rough sleepers were in their area. By bringing them back into society they would be able to receive support and assistance to help them reintegrate into the community. He added that it was important to remember that these people were currently homeless and already in the community. It was important to trust the officers who would be placing them in the accommodation when it became available.


The Leader said that people could become homeless for a wide range of reasons and any support that could be provided was a good thing.


Cllr J Toye said that many homeless people were ex-servicemen/ women and he was delighted to see this support being provided.


It was proposed by Cllr G Hayman, seconded by Cllr V Gay and




That Cabinet agrees to the purchase of the specific property identified in this report and gives delegated authority to a Chief Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Benefits, for the purchase of the remaining three properties within the overall budget of £500k (with all purchases subject to an independent valuation and survey).


Reason for the Decision:

To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.




Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I ofSchedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Private Business