Cllr Gerard Mancini-Boyle

Profile image for Cllr Gerard Mancini-Boyle

Party: Conservative

Ward: Hoveton and Tunstead

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Parish: Ashmanhaugh ; Barton Turf/Irstead ; Dilham ; Hoveton ; Neatishead ; Sloley ; Smallburgh ; Tunstead

Contact information

Home address: 
Dingle Dell
Horning Road
Hoveton St John
NR12 8JW

Bus. phone:  01263802769


Bus. mobile:  07970298651

Download Cllr Gerard Mancini-Boyle contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Additional Information

As a Norfolk resident of over 30 years including, for the last five years, in Hoveton St John, I am proud to live in such a wonderful area. Now that I am retired after a long career in Gas and plumbing, I am keen to get more involved in local life and make a difference to my community. This is why I have been volunteering at the Radar Museum In Neatishead, and have also become a parish councillor. I am honoured to have been elected as a District Councillor and will do all I can in support of my ward.